rookie drunk move

drinking beers and screwing around with wiring... prob lots of horror stories from that combo that would be an interesting topic for another thread. For me, i was re-wiring my speakers when i realized afterward that the amps were still on (Nuforce Ref 8). Luckily, everything appears to be working. However, i THINK i notice a slight degradation in sound. So my, i guess, somewhat newb question is this..if everything appears to be working and no definitive loss, am i just psyching myself out in hearing 'lesser' sound because I know what I did? Guess what i'm asking is -- do amps either work or not, and not capable of 'slight' degradation in sound due to something like what i did.

Showing 1 response by oregon

Looks like you passed the test.
We'll drink to you!
I'm certain all is well with your "system", audio system, that is.

Now, if I could just get Viridian to stop replaying his bawa stwiisand music- then he might spend less on the black tar.