Rollerblocks under turntable ?

A year ago Roy Gregory in issue 52 of HiFi + described an interesting upgrade of his VPI TNT turntable by coupling the plinth to Ultra platform via Rollerblocks.
I was sceptic, but giving his fabulous audio knowledge I decided to give a try.
The results were very similar to his comments: the table recovers far more low level information,increased sense of life and presence in the performance, separation of the instruments markedly improved. After critics on another forum, I removed the tungsten balls to try the TT direct coupled to the platform and the sound was uninvolving and flat. So many people are convinced that side rocking of TT is very bad but in my experience it is not the case. Any thoughts?

Showing 6 responses by jloveys

Mike, before using a second platter as rim drive I used Rollerblocks with belt drive with substantial improvement over the VPI air ball suspention.
Dan_ed, I don't hear any lost in LF impact, bass is tighter and well organised.
But as you suggested I will give Stillpoints a try, anyway if not better I can use them under my amp. I have no intention to sell the VPI because I compared it with top other suspended and non suspended turntables and this fully tweaked TT sounds better to me . The rollerblocks are also useful as side buffers when a rim drive is used for speed stabilizing and vibration control.
I must say that IMHO it is a cost effective upgrade that can be done on many brands of turntables and I have compared a few in my system.
Stringreen: can you give us more info about your PonTunes vibration control device ? Some pics and how it works ? Thanks.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I ordered Stillpoints cones to replace Rollerblocks and keep you informed about the results.
Stillpoints arrived today. First interesting thing: the size and screws are exactly matching Symposium couplers and so I can directly compare the 2 devices with no special adjustments. I used a set of 3 Stillpoints with 2 couplers on each, cone ball directly in contact with the turntable plinth.
And the winner is... Rollerblocks ! by far better air, slam, piano and cymbals sounding more real , bass is tighter and delicate. Album used for the test is Andrew Hill "Black Fire". No hesitation, the Stillpoints are going back to my dealer today.
Dan_ed: your Galibier turntable is a completely different design, and you are right when you say that a good design should not be tweaked because already every parameter should have been throughly studied before on the market.
But reality is not so. When VPI puts a new model on the market very soon there are new upgrades to make it better. When Teres introduces the Certus it is for upgrading an already very good model. What I want to do is putting an already v good sounding TT to the next level, and it is very rewarding. The problem is that only me can judge the sound of this system because it is unique. So by sharing these upgrades here on A'gon and AA maybe someone with similar TT will make these affordable tweaks and see how good it sounds. I hate keeping good things for myself !
And it is so much fun !
Enjoy your nice system too...
Goldenearaguy: yes this was fast because my dealer here in Brussels had a set of 3 Stillpoints in stock so he gave them to me to try. And easy to set up because I studied the best location with previous couplers ( with and without RB ) . The difference was so clear that 2 sides of one LP was enough.
I try them under my tube amp right now and good results, but I need more time for that.
Thanks and enjoy your system too !