Rollerblocks under turntable ?

A year ago Roy Gregory in issue 52 of HiFi + described an interesting upgrade of his VPI TNT turntable by coupling the plinth to Ultra platform via Rollerblocks.
I was sceptic, but giving his fabulous audio knowledge I decided to give a try.
The results were very similar to his comments: the table recovers far more low level information,increased sense of life and presence in the performance, separation of the instruments markedly improved. After critics on another forum, I removed the tungsten balls to try the TT direct coupled to the platform and the sound was uninvolving and flat. So many people are convinced that side rocking of TT is very bad but in my experience it is not the case. Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by jfrech

Hi, I haven't tried the HRS.

I used to have a Ultra under my SME 20/2 and loved it. Currently I have my SME 20/2 on a Finite Elemente Master Reference with Cerapucs under the 4 SME 20/2 feet. It is a improvement over the Ultra, but NOT cost effective just from the turntable only...all together I like the Finite Elemente system for all my equipment.

Have you tried the rollerblocks under your VPI Feet? looks like you are bypassing the VPI suspension and using rollerblocks + the ultra as your VPI suspension...

Just curious. If it sounds better in your system, that's all that matters!