Rogue versus Peachtree

Hello, all,

This is my first post. I highly value many posters' opinions in here, so I am soliciting some advice. I recently feel in love with and purchased some Magnepan 1.7s. They are so spectacular that I am considering upgrading my amp. I currently have a Rega Mira 3. It does nicely, but I have no DAC and no headphone jack. Some people would also consider it underpowered for driving the 1.7s. For cost, space, and WAF reasons, I'd like to avoid a ton of separates, so I am considering the following four options. I listen to a mix of vinyl and CDs ripped as AIFF files into iTunes on my iMac (then into an Airport Express, so I need something that will accept the AE's optical output). Opinions?

1. Peachtree Grand Integrated with a separate phono stage (Graham Slee or Rega).

2. Peachtree iNova with separate phono stage.

3. Rogue Cronus Magnum with separate DAC (Peachtree iDAC or Rega DAC).

4. Esoterica RZ-1.

Showing 1 response by mattcone

You might want to look at the Wyred 4 Sound integrateds. I am looking at the mINT right now - it has 100 wpc, with built in DAC. It is suppose to be on par with the peachtree gear. They also have a 250 and 500 wpc integrated.