Rogue Metis pre amp

I'm getting a rogue Metis next week, anyone out there using this with good results? In a few reviews it says it's loud. Not sure what that means but I'm sure it will be better than my 20 year old solid state.

Showing 1 response by pioneer48

Just bought an used Rogue Metis (with GE 6SN7) from a nice gentleman in Canada; unit was relatively quiet IMO with my listening volume control up to approx. 12 O'clock. My other components as follow: power amp: McIntosh MC275, DAC/transport: EAD 7000 MkIII/1000T, speakers: Clements Little "d". The Rogue is my most recent addition, and definitely an improvement, replacing a rather nice N.E.W. (this USA manufacturer was purchased by Cary in the late 90's) model P-3 triode preamp.