Rogue Metis pre amp

I'm getting a rogue Metis next week, anyone out there using this with good results? In a few reviews it says it's loud. Not sure what that means but I'm sure it will be better than my 20 year old solid state.

Showing 3 responses by joey_v

Owned the Metis. It is rather noisy for a tube preamp.... have the Cary SLP-05 now and it is much quieter in all aspects. The Metis is a good pre, it gave me a good taste of having a tube pre paired with a SS amp.... very nice combo I think.

Do not ditch the Metis just yet... what exactly is noisy? Do you think it could be a ground issue?
I don't recall mine being that loud...

This is at what volume and is there any audio track playing when this occurs?

How about when you use the volume remote... do you hear a buzzing noise?