I have a Rogue 99 with phono stage.This preamp is still considered new and has not had much exposure.I did not listen to one before buying.My dealer,Mario who owns TOYS FROM THE ATTIC pushed me for several months to get one.His store is 345 miles away.I pretty much trusted him when he told me this preamp is better than the A.I. mod.3A.Initially the 3A was my first choice.I did some research and found a review on the 66.Its the little brother to the 99.The review I found was in Audiomusings.They felt the 66 sounded as good or even better than the 3A.Considering this and that the 99 is a better preamp then the 66, I knew I would get a killer preamp.Also the phono stage you can get with the 66 is considered to be VERY GOOD,BUT the 99 phono(with the right tubes) is amazing!!!Mark O'Brien,the chief dude at Rogue is the best!! He answers the phone and will spend with you all the time you need. Hi s e-mails come back sometimes in minutes.He and his company are A+.His products trash stuff costing 2-3 time as much.His amps are GIANT SLAYERS!! Look no further.Mario will give you the best price around.914-421-0069 Tell him Dave sent you! Carl!! My fingers are down to the bone!!!