Rogers LS3/5a question

I am a pro audio guy and know very little about hi-fi stuff. I was at an estate sale today and found a pair of Rogers Ls3's for a VERY good price. They were built in 1079 and the construction is some of the best I have ever seen in a speaker. The problem is that they are 15 ohms and I really don't have anything to power them. I do not want to damage them by hooking them up to something I shouldn't. I would love to hear them and make sure everything works properly. From what I gather from a little research is that the mid-range is incredible. If they are better than my reference monitors I will keep them, if not they will be sold. Thanks for your help guys!

Showing 1 response by don_c55

They have very good midrange, but a "bumped up" bass response.

The Rogers Ls3/5 is a "classic" small room speaker. Do not over drive them with too much power! About 50 watts max.

Most all solid state amps will drive them well. They also work well with tube amps due to the 15 ohm load.