Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ

My first concert in a while. Last was Sia. 

Roger has a message for his audience

that comes with the music. Somewhat off-putting

I must say. I went for music not politics. Not saying

I totally disagree with his. F-bombs galore. All our presidents

past and current are mass murderers. Could be a bit strong.

He is 79 and British.  Has some fun stories. I can live without

the other messages though. Is this messaging common nowadays?


Showing 1 response by orgillian197

At $3 a ticket, Jim Morrison got away with being an egotistical a$$hole.  At $15 a ticket, Axl Rose got away with it as well. Neither were political but were repulsive.

Waters, with the help of his bandmates, wrote some classic songs that sold millions of albums, until his ego and a$$holism caused the band to dissolve, eventually continuing without him. Even though the band then made less than classic albums, when they toured at the same time he did, the audiences voted with their wallets and attended the Floyd shows en masse instead of his.

At $100 + a ticket, as his art has declined and his attitude is insufferable, don't be surprised if this is his last tour. His behavior is overly political as well as repulsive.