RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5

I spent quite awhile in the Boenicke/Sotm room at the show and was quite taken aback on how musically engaging the W5's were. They ooze a musical timbre that was simply stunning. Considering how diminutive they are (no bigger than PC speakers) they produce a big sound stage. To my ears they are a true Hi-Fi bargain at a paltry $3600 a pair when they are compared to some speakers that cost many times  more and are not in the same league as these miniature mighty marvels. There were a few speakers at the show that nearly made my ears bleed and my wallet to hide........

Anything float your boat at this years show?


Showing 10 responses by charles1dad

Regarding Zu speakers I greatly respect the opinions of several folks who post on Audiogon and happen to be Zu owners. I've heard various Zu speakers a total of 5 times and each encounter was disappointing  (CES and RMAF venues). Perhaps they don't sound their best under show conditions  (although I have heard numerous brands that manage to sound good at these shows). It may be the tendency to play them loud for demonstration.  They just haven't sound very good so far in my experience. 

Hi Gawbless,
Professional review of the Boenicke W5 do concur with your listening impressions. Interestingly The 6 Moons reviewer notes that some audiophiles will dismiss the speaker outright due to the cost and small size. À big mistake he said, you must actually  listen to them. He is very enthusiastic about their sound quality.
This is why I agree with the 6 Moons reviewer regarding preconceived notions.  I just believe that you have to listen to a product before you can form any "meaningful "opinion. That's just me. 
I agree with your logic. All Gawbless said is these Boenickes were really quite good and impressed him more than some larger and more expensive speakers under show conditions. He never said they're the speakers he's ever heard.  Let's have perspective and appreciate the context. 
Mapman, That’s the point, Gawbless wasn’t challenging the laws of physics or implying the speaker has no limitations (all speakers do). He simply wrote that they sound good. Of course reviewers offer opinion (just as you, I and everyone else) no dispute there. At the very least he heard the speakers which is a meaningful point. Listening trumps assumptions . Anyway Gawbless is more than capable of explaining his thoughts. It seems some are offended that he compared them to larger speakers,heaven forbid!
The wisdom of the reviewer is evident given some of the responses here and is why I found his assessment so on the mark. Such strong opinion stated without any listening whatsoever. To look at a speaker's size and then assume so much isn't a demonstration of substance or much thought. Two speakers could have identical dimensions and yet be worlds apart in sound quality. Raidho and Magico have mini monitors that are in the 25K USD range. They may or may not be superior to the 3.6 K USD Boenicke W5.  Who knows? only by "listening" can these issues be settled. Looking at pictures doesn't cut it. Mini monitors can range from true state of the art level to subpar. You have to hear an audio product. No one claims any mini monitor is a full range speaker, yet they can be superb in their own realm.
Well I don't know what facts you are referring to. Anyway I've stated my viewpoint, Gawbless simply posted listening impressions of a speaker that sounded very good to him at RMAF. His post was interesting  and insightful. It's really nothing more then that.
Yes yours is a rant, Gawbless is stating a more logical point and observation. At least that how the comments come across to me. Larger is not better by default, no way. It clearly depends on one’s needs and desires. This seems a simple and practical perspective Gawbless, "paltry" has triggered an alarm it seems. LOL. If 3.6K  dollars can provide someone the equal satisfaction of a 20 or 30K dollar product,then 3.6 is paltry in relative terms.
Hello Dentdog,
I trust your ears and judgement. Same with other Zu owners whom I hold in high regard. Germanboxers, 213 Cobra,gsm (gary) Spiritofmusic. You'd think that once or twice out of 5 listening encounters they'd sound reasonably good, not yet. 

It is puzzling as other brands have managed to sound very well under the same show environment constraints. I like their design concept of high efficiency and wide band drivers. Again this is why I relate to Gawbless's comments. When you're in a room with exceptional sound you know it.😀.
Your sonic description of the Boenicke W5 is consistent with what others who have heard them report (exceptionally high sound quality). It’s the timeless quality vs quantity debate. The value of an  audio product is judged individually and reflects on how much listening fulfilment and long term joy it delivers. Each one of us have our own criteria and goal. Happy listening to all 😊