RMAF 2016

What did you think of the show this year? I was disappointed on a few fronts:
1). Atrium area was closed which I thought there were less rooms too see and it made the elevator wait times very long. There was no mention of this and if there was, I probably would have stayed home.
2). Most of the rooms were very small for the speakers the vendors brought with them. 
3). Along with #2 above, there weren't many good sounding rooms. I thought the standouts were the Revel/Mark Levinson room, the Raidho room, and a handful of others.

Not sure what's going to happen next year since the Newport Show is having issues, a new show in LA will surface in September, and because of this, will vendors pony up the cash to come to 3 shows in a short period of time?

Showing 1 response by kennythekey

I did not attend this year, because my main dealer was forced out of his room due to construction issues that fell behind schedule, or simply got in the way. This may have been a reason for the decreased turnout.