RMAF 2009 tips?

Any insider tips for a 1st timer? Need info. regarding lodging options, things to avoid, must see's, etc. Never been to an audio show or had the chance to audition much in the Knoxville, TN area. Still an avid audiophile though, with much thanks to y'all and audiogon. Currently a very satisfied listener and music lover but would love to attend RMAF this year and hear things for myself.


Showing 1 response by magnumpi205

Went in with the wife in 2007. Had a wonderful time. Stayed at the Hyatt and got a sweet on line for $99 a night.
Try to avoid the rooms that seemed to be over run by dorks. Those guys that the dealers let monopolize a room because they bought from that dealer or company, or acting like they will make a big bucks purchases. A lot of these rooms will be playing bird calls, tap dancing, etc. If you go into a room where you can't get a seat or they are not playing music, go to the next room and save those rooms till the end. You won't have enough time if you wait too long at certain rooms.
Hang around the bar at night when the showrooms are closed. These guys are the greatest source of knowledge. What's good, what's bad. What the best parts are, just sit and listen and learn.