Ripping CD's to load onto a new Aurender N20 Server/Streamer

Greetings All,

I know this question has probably been asked before but I'll ask again as I'm upgrading my digital front end. (I'm mainly an LP person but want to keep up with the latest digital trends)

I'm currently using a Sony HAP-Z1ES which allows me to copy CD's directly to the internal hard drive including all metadata and then grabs the album artwork via Grace Note.

I'm upgrading to a brand new Aurender N20 Server/Streamer. I know streaming will allow access to endless music choices with metadata and album art but in some cases i want to rip some of my CD's and load them onto the N20 SSD storage. I'm looking for the best CD Ripper software that will allow me to rip the files to FLAC format, include all the metadata, and grab the Album artwork. I'm currently using an iMac running MAC OS X Catalina.

Thanks in advance for any and all information that will allow me to do what I have described above.

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Showing 3 responses by lalitk


Since Sony HAP-Z1ES is a network player, you should be able to copy files stored on HDD disk. Check out steps on backing up files on your computer / laptop.

Once you have backed up files, it will be easier to copy files onto N20. 


You’re welcome! I forgot to mention, if you’re not in a hurry to sell HAP-Z1ES, wait to create a back up as you should be able to ‘move’ files from HAP-Z1ES HDD directly onto N20. Once both players are connected to your network, you can move files between the two devices :-) Your dealer can walk you through steps or reach out to Aurender support. I also recommend following Samsung SSD drive for N20. I am using a pair of 2TB in my Aurender ACS100.



You’re welcome! Enjoy your N20 and don’t forget to listen this amazing streamer in “Critical Listening Mode” for next level subtle but noticeable refinements.