Ripping 700 CD's to HD using FLAC-How much space?

Hello all,

Currently, I am in the process of transferring my cd's to an external hard drive using FLAC lossless, EAC for transfer and WinAmp for a media player. I would like a HD with enough space for future downloads but am unsure as to what size to purchase? Memory seems reasonably priced these days and 1TB external HD's are plentiful. Also, I may let go of cd's that I no longer listen to after I have them on the HD which leaves me with another dilemma - how many HD's would suffice for backups? Everyone's advice is appreciated. Thanks, Chris

Currently using:
Windows XP Home
Dell XPS 400
Room for 2 internal HD's (using only (1) currently)

Showing 1 response by br3098


Jitter is not a result of storage technology. It's an I/O overflow issue due to the USB/USC 2.0 bus spec using a non-optimized asynchronous communication protocol. Solid state disks (SSDs) are very fast - too fast, frankly, for the bus IMHO. Like putting a Ferrari engine in a tricycle. Looks good, but how do you justify it?

In order to make the Blacknote DSS work better, I imagine that these guys are using some sort of custom I/O buffer. It probably works well, but it' got to be a hell of a lot cheaper to just use a good DAC with a word clock that supports S/P DIF.