RIP - Richard Brown, BEL

Richard passed away October 10,2009. I was first introduced to Richard’s amp about 10 years ago. I purchased a pair of the MKII’s off the gon and was very impressed by their performance. So I got in touch with Richard and told him I wanted the upgrades to MKV statis. I enjoyed my conversations with him over the two year period I was waiting for him to begin the upgrades. (Begging with him at the end of each phone call) It was a very painful two year wait but well worth it! I did understand he had a life outside of audio. Subsequently I had him perform his MKV upgrade on another pair I purchased several years later. The previous owner had his name in for the upgrades so I was automatically in line. I only had to wait about 3 months this time around. Just recently I had the opportunity to purchase 2 more of his amps and had them shipped to him to perform yet another MKV upgrade. Not so lucky this time around.

I only new Richard through this hobby. He was a great guy who conducted his work life on his terms. His passing is a real shocker to me! My blessings to his wife. He will be missed.

I have a BEL 1001 MK V that is in need of repair - can anyone help me with this issue?

Bob H - 508-244-0587

You might want to contact Sal Zambrano at Audio Summa in SoCal. At RMAF last year he was representing BEL cables (which he later let me demo) and had mentioned he had taken over the assets of the company. He also mentioned he had the schematics for the amps. Perhaps he can assist you in finding a competent repair person.
Thanks! I have indeed contacted him and I will report back to all you Agoner's about my experience with him- good or bad.
I used to have the original version of the BEL 1001. I'm wondering what are the differences between Mk.I and the subsequent versions?
I would also be interested to hear what Sal has to say. I spoke with him at RMAF regarding possible service on my Mk. I 1001 (it is over 25 years old and may possibly need recapping), and he referred me to Brooks Berden (sp?) in So. Cal.. I emailed them however they did not respond.