RIP Dave Wilson

Thank you for pushing the envelope,
Thank you for not leaving well enough alone!

Whether you are a fan or not of Wilson Audio speakers, the audio community lost a great designer this year. 

Showing 3 responses by ctsooner

condolences to his family.  He was surly a pioneer. Like his product for not, he was a trend setter and a master marketer.  He was able to build his label from scratch to a top name in all of audio.  I've only heard great things about the guy.  I met him on a few occasions and he was always a gentleman and educator.  He will be missed, but did the right thing in passing the business down a few years ago to Darrel who has them going in a positive direction still.  He will be missed by most in audio.
Thanks for sharing rx8man.  There are some terrible people in this world.  As for Al, it does take a big man to show up let alone say what you did was wrong.  Respect for that.  

What folks don't always understand is that the Wilson's are good people who do good things for others.  That and cancer is what this is all about. nothing more, nothing less.  That AC thread is vile.