Ringo Beaucoup of Blues


I just recently "re-discovered" this record, a WONDERFUL record and recording, great songs, beautiful sounds, stunning to me.  Might be I'm alone in thinking how wonderful this disc is, but even if there is only one other who has a curiosity and takes a listen and likes it, well then, I'm a happy human!  

Stay safe my Audiogon family!

Showing 1 response by tablejockey

Now that you mentioned it...

I found that album a couple of weeks ago, in my local shop. It was in the 3 for $10 bins. I'm quite fortunate to have a couple of shops walking distance with boxes of stuff long forgotten.

It's a great album. I always thought of Ringo as the singer of "Photograph", "It don't come easy" and the now creepy "You're 16" on FM radio. I always liked Ringo's  pop stuff.

bdp24 is the resident R&R musicologist, and always provides cool insight.

Not related, but along with this Ringo score, I found another artist that I've only read about-Don Nix. He wrote one of the most kick ass tunes-"Going Down" which Freddy King and Jeff Beck do justice to.

El Becko- dig the piano unexpected piano intro, which catches everyone by surprise