RIAA vs Columbia vs Decca

Ok, dumb question. I recently was lucky enough to purchase an ARC Ref Phono 2 SE. It has Options to select RIAA, Columbia and Decca equalization curves.

I realize that most 'modern' recording use RIAA, but when I purchase reissued, remastered pressings of old classical or jazz recordings that were on Columbia or Decca, should I use the corresponding EQ curves, or is that applicable to only the original pressings?

Showing 1 response by lewm

Vintage, Such a device as you propose would have to operate on an already RIAA-equalized signal from the phono section. That's a whole different kettle of fish from applying an alternative equalization curve within the phono stage circuit itself. You'd be better off (less coloration, less noise, etc) just using bass and treble controls on the linestage, IMO.

Chakster, Ralph's post makes a lot of sense. But I was also wondering about the phase issues to which you refer. The very act of equalizing the signal must introduce capacitors, resistors, and, in some phono stages, inductors into the signal path. This will inevitably affect phase, whether the device or the recording is "vintage", or not.