Rhythmic F12SE setup using line in

I recently purchased a preamp which has no bass management. I had been using my Marantz 7015 LFE and Audyssey MultEQ-X with a +3db/-3db tilt curve & crossover at 80Hz with my KEF R11’s & Rythmic F12SE. The bass was clear, concise & crisp. 

I have followed the Rythmic instructions on line setup and cannot quite get the same results. Bass is less crisp, almost muddy.

I currently have the crossover at 50Hz, gain at 0, bandwidth & freq middle, delay/phase 10:00 (rhythmic recommendation for ported mains), volume about 1:00, nonLFE low pass 50Hz/24, rumble off, extension filter 14 hi. 

Any recommendations? Thanks 


Showing 1 response by boxcarman

Placement of speakers and sub, not to mention chair placement, can have everything to do with clarifying  the low end, and everything else.  Maybe you have limited options to do this?