
I recently purchased pc for cd player with rhodium ends on both...I wasnt feeling the mojo from it and was not content with lowend resolution/grunt.I switched ac/male end with nice furutech copper and it has made the difference...Im surprised at the difference that it has made.Bass has more info/definition/warmth and high end still has sparkle with the neutral transparency that rhodium (iec) seems to offer.I know this has been talked about alot and probably deserves a duh!.. Rhodium indeed has its place in my system after all this time.Like it.


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I concur with above statements about rhodium. I use it on virtually every PC with exception of silver on a couple pc. I used mostly gold plated copper or straight copper for many years, one by one I switched to rhodium as it brought more openness and transparency to system. As usual these things all about synergy, I have both copper and silver IC and copper speaker cable, connectors also vary, silver, gold plated copper and rhodium all used.