Reviews of $10k plus ics, speaker wires, and pcs

Do you think reviewers should do such cables? What about $30k plus components?

Showing 28 responses by czarivey

So what's so different between Mogami, Demarzzio priced in average $50/m vs. let's say Harmonic Tech priced $5,000?
5xparts+labor does seem to be far far away from $5,000. There's certainly +scam!
I think reviewers don't do cables. They write reviews the way the 'hear' things.
Apparently, when it comes to cables of any kind, all phrases of reviewers are pretty much audiophile standard that is NOT completely understandable by anyone except audiophile such as 'warm' 'black background' 'musical'. Such phrases and words must be present for better audiophile marketability of product.
Given the fact that cables play only small part in audio playback, you can't guarantee ANY reviewer even with brilliant ears(forget the golden ones) will describe just 'this' particular cable. More likely the reviewer will describe the whole rig he'd mention with such and such cables.
Obviously you can't enjoy the system without cables, but given this fact, I've never seen reviewers mention what they can hear with 'this' particular cable vs. other cables including let's say $6 generic RCA run from Dollar General stores.
Without attractive looks, words and marketting pitches we's still be using mentioned simple generic cables.
$10k cables or similar 'deals' is a definite scam from the very beginning. they all cost maximum $50 if not less.
Tbg, your observations of assembly lines isn't a proof at all and isn't a reason for wires to be more than $50.
Was this assembly line similar to Mercedes Benz or BMW or RR(I've seen those in the past)? What should be SO special about assembling a darn wire?
I'm snob, dumb and stoopid and that's what I pay! If I seriously decide to buy $50 wire, it has to be darn great! That's why I use Mogami Silver series XLR IC's. I bet that Mogami assembly line is also one you should see just in case and speak out if you find any differences between line that normally assembles $50 wires vs. line that assembles $10k wires.
I'm also sure that BMW assembly line is much more interesting especially the way the factory arranges the tours.
I've seen assembly lines of cruise ships, BMW, MB in Germany. The industrial tours of Germany are FANTASTIC!

Obviously, I didn't have even partial thought about touring via audio wires assembly lines... Anyone else here did? Anyone else here seen audio-wire assembly lines?
Please share your thoughts. How can I get to see audio wire assembly line? I don't have many plans towards China travels, but would certainly look forward to it.
The reason of my strong beleif about scam is based on basics of Electronics and nearly 30 years of retailing business. I recognize quickly many kinds of schemas and chains. I know all values and what they should actually be and not only on audio merchendises weather they've been or haven't professionally or unprofessionally reviewed. That's what I do for living and at the same time share with you all so to bring cognitivity back to ones who left it somewhere let's say in audio-wire assembly plants.
I can tell you from the best of my knowledge I have too many proofs that my state of mind changed other people's state of mind(layer of society does not matter) by moving brainwash clouds outside of one's cognitivity. I tend and wish to drive the scam market down for good to benefit other people and certainly myself together.
LOL I don't think, I just know, but in this world you can't say these things SHESHHH!
I still haven't heard any positive responces about how cool and how interesting and how technologically advanced are the audio-wire assembly lines.
Siltech and Harmonic Tech assembly lines are all in China. Had anyone been there? I guess there should be something else to see when travel to China.
Ordering those mentioned for $12.500 directly from China you can get them $5...600 shipped and directly from factory bypassing all third parties that dictate their own scam rules. Ones brought onto our US local markets are SAME.
Each new precious cable like that is viciously looking for the foolish and naive at all times. ASK ANYONE.
Some of the audio components can fall onto that category, but with far less magnitude.
Coz whoever naively believed and spent $xx,xxx.xx amount of money for pair of audio cables will less-likely have a guts to accept his foolishness and naiveness.
It's natural, but sometimes homo-sapiens is able to outperform its own natural habits with proper mindset and strength of such obviously if there's some usage availability.
As to fake vs. real, for Harmonic and Siltech in particular, there are 'smart' workers in China who steal or manufacture an 'extra' stock to sell privately online. You can't control their laws overthere in China and they to us can do whatever they want. Trust me that particular fake will work the same just as one you'll buy for $xx,xxx.xx
Good luck and enjoy the music...
@ TbG, See, I told you others that do not have the caliber of cables and equipment of the best available will bash you, regardless of their, so called fanatical, I am right, and you are wrong mentality!, They , believe me, Have NEVER have had the exsperience with the cables you have or I have,Welcome to the club TBG, tune all others out!, LOL!, case closed!
I'm not bashing OP! I'm bashing the whole schema and trying to explain by all logical means and I'm the one that being bashed because going against schema isn't easy!
How the manufacturer of $xx,xxx.00 cable can be fair to ones manufacturing audio components or even let's say automobiles. One who decide to purchase that piece of scam may likely decide not to purchase new automobile or new refrigerator or anything else!
I'm living retailer and that's how I think before making my decision what to pay and certainly who to support. Harmonic or Siltech or similar kind are either last on my list or likely off the list completely to even consider thinking about them.
Common Schema:
Manufacturer A designed and manufactured cable and sold it for $xx,xxx.00 amount and represent it to clubs and reviewers.
Manufacturer B who's never even thought of idea to have $xx,xxx.00 cable decided to repeat the idea, but price his cable a-bit lower and represent it to reviewers.
Manufacturer C who've seen a few or several more manufacturers having presented their cables decides to introduce its new line with similar "level" of class.
Manufacturer x,y,z,123456789012345678...$%^&# places itself onto the same mindset and says why not? I can do same and even that is not end of line!
After all above stated a component manufacturers would say why not if it brings that much of the overoveroverprofit and provide the line of their own cables
Apperently all you need is just a name and voice to make it happen. It's only 1% or less for overall performance and every of the above listed manufacturers know it.
Bo1972, I also sell popular products at my retail spot and can understand your points. It's the best bait for uneducated consumer!

By analogy, my consumers like to buy Madonna, Michael Jackson, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Pink Floyd and so on...
Frank Zappa, King Crimson, Nat King Cole, Julie London, jazz of any kind will most-likely stay on shelves substantially longer and those are for educated consumers that know about music more than just popular stuff.

It's all natural. Well marketted product such as Nordost, AudioQuest will sell good weather it makes or it doesn't make sense.

Taking the fact that wires can only dictate 1% of overall system performance, the dumb ballpark figure to invest into wires should be very close to that ratio. For system priced $10,000 the total price for wires should be somewhere close to $100. My system is a-bit bellow $10k worth, but wires total worth is $185 including speaker wires(BTW unterminated Kimber 8TC purchased as left-over bulk). My wire philosophy is tied mostly with pro-grade. Ones used in studios will bring the sound with most precision and with least investment giving the largest performance per dollar IMHO.
All dealers are good in convincing.
With great components different wires bring different colors and sound different far not due to the price level but due to electric properties achievable even with ones from radioshack or home depot. i did research on wires used during some of my favorite recordings and none of them used neither nordost, audioquest, siltech, harmonic or shaniata. do you think that recording engineers don't know about wire quality and performance?
You are right Bo, but still would rather support artists, automobile makers, home builders than so mentioned home audio wire assembly lines.
I think you've just highlighted this discussion shortly and clearly! Count me as complete stranger to this hobby as I've been tellin' these hobby obsessed folks to go and see psychiatrist :-)
Move your business here because here people tend to spend a lot of money on wires.
Spending lots of money on good speakers looks like a very good mistake to me.
I had a few miljonairs, but they do not spend so much money on audio like a person who is seeing it as his hobby.
Hobby in US can drive mind outside sanity and as Bo noted, millionaires most-likely would not spend xx,xxx.xx money on audio wires. Having the fact of reaching descent wealth, very often it implies to strong mind that would certainly block such naive decisions.
Dose doods probably have wealthy parents. It often implies to laziness to analyze and research instead of simply throwing money away.
In the past I sold many Valhalla powercables only about telling what they do. On the Phone without listening many bought them.

It's GENIUS. I've never thought about that.
When I visit a client I know in a few seconds with my own music what is missing and what is there.

When you visit me, you would NEVER know with YOUR own music what is missing and what is there.
Only I know with MY OWN music what's there or what's not.
what my knowledge has to do with known facts. it's regardless. it's just there.
I've seen, compared, heard, knew AND know. Hear Mogami cables if you haven't heard.
Just compare... you will know... Hearing is believing.
i've never said that they sound same. same experiments you can have with even $5 ones depending on which parameters you "dial" using any specific wire brand and even end-up being spent just $5 for one found in flea-market. as previously said by Bo "it's all about system synergy" right?
I experimented between Dimarzio, Mogami and Monster pro audio grades for RCA and XLR and found Silver which is second cheapest line sounded best.
Tbg, read previous posts, you know better and Bo mentioned that gazillion times and almost in every response he mentioned in multiples "It's not about the price".
Do a copy of all of the posts of his onto notepad and use CTRL+F to find that same phrase.
As to Harmonic Tech, Siltech, high-priced AudioQuest, I calculate the following:

Parts: $10...20 x 5 = $50...100 + labor another $40...50 that totals $100...200 which is substantially less than $5000 or more. That implies to make no sense whatsoever according to the simple arithmetic analysis.

If you have trouble doin' it on paypa you can take a calculayta
5xLabor? Now I know. I've never paid 5xLabor for my automobile repair even if 5 dudes worked on that! Why should I pay 5xLabor for assembling wire? $6,000 for just a labor? LOL!
Please don't tell it to anyone outside of this site, otherwise you'll get at least advice to see specialist.