Review: Wegrzyn Loudspeaker &Cable Co. Copper Slam Special Edtion Power cord

Category: Cables

Classical, Jazz and blues are the usual fair. Let me try and make this simple....Geez almighty what a freakin unbelievable power cord!! It is just so damn great that I find it almost silly to throw around the same old stale audiophile just took my ARC HD220 and moved it into Reference territory. I actually felt a tickle in my stomach upon listening to my system with the Copper Slam connected to my was (deep breath):

Emotional, Transparent, pure, smooth, refined, dynamic, extended, huge sounding, layered, grainless, distortion free, full of color, fast, liquid, transcendent, bold, low level detail aplenty

The cord is physicaly huge with superb construction...Love goes into Walter Wegrzyn's products!

60 day trial and destroys Shunyata and just about anything else I can think of from a true's a no brainer!

I've had the cord for 2 months and it get's better over time..more low level detail and dynamics that will startle!! No matter what the case this cord is staying as my reference. My other favorite PC is Transparent MM.

Everything about this PC is amazing...a truly great value!!

Walter Wegrzyn is a him today.

Associated gear
ARC Ref 3
Krell SACD Standard
Krell Resolution 2 Speakers

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Showing 1 response by audioman58

It is funny how one cable can be so good in one system ,in another totally different. How clean the power coming in ,how good the filtration is in your
Amplifier,sometimes too much of a good about name brand cables like Wireworld, puristI a sure a lot of money went Into their
Research. Having a full money back guarantee allows me to
Be willing to try them. Morrow has a 5 payment plan,but after speaking with him. Average connectors not even 5 9s Copper, wire From China,it is all in the blend s secret geometry he said which may be partially true.the China bit turned me off.
He even admitted this ,on his cables,the impurites are not even close to as clear as a U.S made Copper ,or -0 crystal from Japan.
Sometimes I wander.