Review: RS Cables Solid Silver and Duet's Interconnect

Category: Cables

Cable Review:
RS Audio Cables Interconnects.
Solid Silver $119 1-Meter Pair
And Duet Palladium $399 1-Meter Pair
Date: 5/9/08.


B&K 505. Krell kav-250. Classe cp-35. Ming-Da MC-7.
Ref-Mod Oppo 981. Chang 3200 PLC.
B.G. 420’s Bolender Ribbons. B&W-804.
SPK-Cables Analysis Plus Oval 8 and Anti-IC’s
Background: Electronic Tech, Telemetry/Radars/GPS
30 years U.S.Gov. Audio/Videophile. 30 years.

RS Audio Cables was conceived when audiophile Richard Sachek grew weary of paying astronomical prices for upscale specialty cabling. He thinks he’s weary, man I am about to go nuts over the high prices of Interconnects and speaker cables. Hey why not buy all your audio cables on line and try them out for a few days. Also you can save a lot of cash in the process, no middle man! And if you don’t like them just send them back. I get lots of cables like this and most of the time they are open box are demos. Even new you will still save money way to go Richard. This guy is smart. Hey Bill you are just saying that because you get to review His cables and get to keep them as long as you want. Wrong! Richard Sachek interconnects are some of the best out there, and He was smart to hybrid the Duets so we can get a taste of the dangerous sounding Palladiums. Both cables are stunning and will smoke most of the competition in a second. I have not been this excited till Paul Speltz sent me a pair of his Anti-IC cables $100 1-meter pair.

A good place to start is to say that the RS Cables are not Kimber Cable copycats. I know the silver Kimber cables very well and the RS Cables do not sound like them at all. They say braided geometry is better than twisted pair. Anyway the RS cables are smoother, cleaner and how Richard made his cables to sound so real is beyond me. I have always herd if you know how to use silver and its done right. Silver is the way to go and can sound very alive. When using silver cables, the trick is not to burn your ears out in the process. Most designers that use silver seem to lack balance. Most are to hot and lean sounding. That thin-tinny bright sound drives me crazy, and I can detect it with solid state or tube equipment. So how do they sound, awesome!

Day 1:

I put the solid silvers between my DVD player and B&K 505 and was stunned! Good grief these cables for $119 dollars are crazy. From top to bottom they rock as in live sounding. No matter what type of music I played, the solid silvers drew me into the music. The IC’s had that high quality sound to them with lots of air around the voices and instruments. The first thing you will notice with theses cables is the Top-end is extremely clean and detail. The Midrange has that you are there audiophile quality to it. If you want transparency in spades, buy the solid silvers. The bass may-be one of the best. Neither lean nor slow sounding like some copper IC’s I’ve heard. The soundstage is wide as it is deep, not bad for $119 bucks. Next to my Anti-IC’s the two cables are close in sound and price. The copper Anti-IC’s are warmer and a little rounder sounding. The solid silvers are more detailed, cleaner and a little more transparent. Hey both are awesome giant killers for the price, and will smoke other cables costing 3 times as much. But the nod goes to the solid silvers for it’s over all balance and neutrality. I played George Duke’s “after hour’s cd” late one evening after the silvers had finally broken end. And as I sat there with my mouth hanging open. I was completely locked into the music, hitting the repeat button on the remote and completely amazed.

I took the Palladiums IC’s over to Audi’s house and we put them in his system. I want to hear the palladiums; ok already I will be over. His system The B&W 804, Classe preamp Sony cd player and Krell 250 amp. Out came the Audience IC’s and in went the Duet’s between the cd player and preamp. Wow! The first thing we heard was that awesome Top-end these cables have. Man I am telling you, I have not heard the detailing from the Midrange on up to the high frequencies like these cables have. Air and more air that raps around your speakers is something you have to hear with the Palladiums. Audi played the same cd’s we normally use to review a new piece audio gear. The Duet’s displayed each recording just the way they were recorded in the studio. You not only hear the music you see it, and the performers are right in the room with you like crazy. I could easily hear Michael Jackson breathing in and out from his chest cavity as he was singing she’s out of my life. All the nuances and little details that gets lost with other cables came out with the Duet’s. There were much more information to be herd with these cables. Michael Buble stood right in the room with us. I could almost hear just how far he was standing from the microphone. Diana Krall also stood in the room with us with her band placed just behind her on the stage, just like they should be. There is just one other cable that can do this that I know of, the famous Nordost Valhalla’s. The Valhalla’s are sharper and faster. The Nordost cables seem to have that Magic touch that makes music sound real. The Duet’s have that same magic but with much more weight slam. Wow! $399 vs. $3300 that’s Crazy! From top to bottom, from micro to macro and from left to right the Palladium Duet’s have it all. The cable is so open and transparent it’s scary. I ask Audi would he pay $399 for them and he said no, maybe $250. I said ok so what do you think, he said I do think the Duet’s are the best IC’s we ever had in the system. I told him that I would pay $399 for them and even $499. I personally think they are the best interconnects for under a $1000 dollars. Also let me say, after I switched out Audi’s Sony dvd player with my Ref-Mod Oppo 981, with the Duet’s/Starchord as the main source. Audi said he would pay $300 dollars for the Duet’s. I guess the more he hears them the more he will pay. This is one of the best combo front ends I have ever heard. Perfect Neutrality and very alive sounding. Also let me say as soon as I left the house, Audi went online and order a half-meter Duet interconnects. That’s the only negative thing about this cable. Just don’t put it in your system, because if you do you can’t take them out. Back home in my system with the B.G ribbons I preferred the solid silvers IC’s. My ribbons like other ribbons and electrostatics are slightly warm and smooth on top. The solid silvers have a little more top-end sparkle and snap to them that my system needed. Also don’t forget that all cables are system depended and matching is critical. Both cables are good and I recommend you buy both of them and toss the others away.

Conclusion: The Duet’s are probably the best under a $1000 dollars cables on the market and a lot of fun to listen too. This is one cable that won’t be leaving California. Also make sure you used the Kevlar Starchord power cords with the RS Cables interconnect.

Bill Glenn

Associated gear
B&K 505. Krell kav-250. Classe cp-35. Ming-Da MC-7.
Ref-Mod Oppo 981. Chang 3200 PLC.
B.G. 420’s Bolender Ribbons. B&W-804.
SPK-Cables Analysis Plus Oval 8 and Anti-IC’s
Background: Electronic Tech, Telemetry/Radars/GPS
30 years U.S.Gov. Audio/Videophile. 30 years.

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Nice review. Yes, the RS Silver ICs are amazing for the price. All they took was about 12 hrs to settle down and I was sold. Detail aplenty with none of the negative attributes that one hears about the use of silver cables. More natural and fuller with no smearing allowing a more life-like presentation and great bass response to boot. I could hear so much farther into the recording with greater image lock. A no-brainer for the price.