Review: Rosinante Jaden Signature IC & Speaker Cables Interconnect

Category: Cables

Often I have read threads and reviews about interconnect and speaker cables that are suppose to be amazingly good. I must admit that I have succumbed to buying some of these cables and have gotten very good results. I had been quite satisfied with my Nordost Quattro Fil interconnects and Coincident TRS Speaker cables until I discovered the new cables designed by Ric Cummins and marketed under the Rosinante trade name. Ric is also the designer of the Dark Matter shelf, Room Lens treatment devices, and the Rosinante Dulcinea speakers. Ric's website is

The Jaden Signature Interconnect and Speaker cables are absolutely wonderful and very synergistic together. The Jaden Signature IC has great tonal balance, is very detailed & dynamic, and has lots of clarity, finese, and musicality. The Jaden Signature speaker cable has great control, tonal balance, clarity, depth, and dynamic balance.

Many cables emphasize a frequency range, and ultimately are not tonally or dynamically balanced. The Jaden speaker cables have lots of resolution and ARE NOT frequency or tonally challenged. In my opinion, there is no cable in the market today at the price level of the Jaden cables that can equal the Jaden's performance. May I also clarify that I am purely a consumer and do not represent Ric Cummins in anyway as a dealer or distributor.

Many of my audio buddies have substituted their existing cables with the Jaden IC's or speaker cables. The Jaden cables have even replaced very high quality interconnect cables from Silver Audio (Appassionata), Tara Labs, and Nordost Valhalla and Quattro Fil. Most recently, these cables were used with the Maggies 1.6's and 3.6's with very good results (these cables enabled the music to play out of the box with good sound pressure and dynamics).

I personally have no doubt the Jaden cables are very good. The Jaden cables are not widely known or marketed because Ric Cummins doesn't have the deep pockets to mass market his cables. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the Jaden cables do not rival or surpass other acclaimed cable makers. I really am not sure how long Ric will continue to divert his time and energy to making these wonderful cables. That'll probably depend upon the future success of selling his cables and in today times, this is not an easy feat to accomplish without mass advertising.

I feel fortunate to be an owner/user of the Jaden Signature cables. These cables have taken my system to a new level that I thought would be extremely difficult to achieve.

Associated gear
David Berning ZH-270 amp w/MAC Delta P/C
Metronome T-1i CDP w/Bybee Purifier P/C
Bybee Line Conditioner w/CPC Model 11+
Rosinante Dulcinea Speakers
Bybee Pigtail Interconnect Filters

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Showing 1 response by owens

I replaced my Triangle Antals with a pair of Merlin VSM's. It meant that I would have to redo my whole system. In the process, my excellent speaker cables could not be properly setup. I hit the net [Audiogon & Audioasylum] to see what others with Merlin's were using. Many mentioned Cardas Golden Reference and here JADEN's from Ric Cummins. Never heard of them or him. Hit the web again and found people who indicated them had excellent dealings with Ric Cummins. Called. Whereas I had no chance to audition the Cardas cables, Ric offered me the chance to audition a new version of the JADEN'S. These were the PURSANG's. These cables were impressive right out of the bag---not excellent, but very good. The upper register of violins by Misters Vengerov and Bell had an edge as did massed violins in the "Mass in Time of War". HOWEVER, they got better everyday[continue to improve] and after 80 hrs. of playing, I bought them. My system sounds more like music than HiFi -- more natural. The sound stage is wider and deeper. There are more microdynamics especially in the bass. Massed violins are "sweeter" and horns have a crisness that I like. Small group Jazz and chamber music can almost have that "in the room" sound, especially sax and bass. There is more air around each instrument which can be easily placed on the sundstage. Have been going through all my CD's and SACD's hearing them as if for the first time. The down side is that badly engineered CD's sound badly engineered. I think Ric Cummins has a winner here. If you are looking for speaker cables for Merlin's, by all means check out the JADEN PURSANGS. I highly recommend them!

Super Verve deHavilland
Music Reference RM-200
Sony XA777ES
Musical Fidelity DAC
Cables: Omega Mikro, Music Timbre, Transparent, JADEN
AC Cords: PS Audio, Electraglide, Elrod, Omega Mikro
PS Audio P300, Richard Gray, PS Ultimate Outlet, dedicated power line to box.