Review on the Tyler Acoustics Lynbrook Signature's

This Review Is For The Tyler Acoustics Lynbrook Signature Series 1 Piece System in the Ribbon Mahogany Finish.

After a 200+ hour break-in period I have to say that these are the most Transparent and Revealing Speakers that I have owned or Audition.These speakers sound good from the begining but after the 200+ break-in period they are nothing but Remarkable. They posses a Superb Transient Response and a Distinguished Low Bass Performance that is hard to find in other speakers. Delicate Highs with a Beautiful Midrage Detail and a Wide Soundstage.The Lynbrooks are one of the Most Complete Full Range High End Speakers you can find and at $5500.00 it is a Real bargain because in order to achive this kind of performance you will have to spend at least twice as much for Speakers.The High End "Seas" drivers used on these speakers are the same drivers used in much more expensive speakers as the Joseph Audio Pearl Speakers ( MSRP$20,000) or the Von Schwikert VR-5 (MSRP $25,000). Actually on my list of speakers that I was considering purchasing these two were on it along with the Dali Euphonia MS5, B&W 800D and the Legacy Audio Whispers. I auditioned all of these speakers but still was not as convinced in their sound/performance as and when I purchased the Tyler Lynbrook Signature Series. I am not in any way saying that the before mentioned speakers are not good speakers I am simply saying that I felt that they did not bring out the sound performance that I was looking for in a pair of High End speakers.As far as the Lynbrook Signature Series I just couldn't find anything negative to write about these wonderful speakers.They are so clear and detail that you can hear every instrument being played but with the delicacy that you want to spend hours listening to them.These Speakers Have a Deep,Open and Wide SoundStage. They are without a doubt a very Musical Appealing Speakers.I am spending hours going thru my 300+ CDs,SACDs,HDCDs,XRCD24s collection and it is like listening to them for the first time but with the emphasis,transparency and detail that I have not experience with any other speakers before. I am Very Please that I didn't have to spend twiced as much to get this kind of Sound/Performance and Built Quality. These Speakers are Gorgeous looking Speakers and The Ribbon Mahogany Finish is Beautiful and the Built Quality is Outstanding. My Advice is that if you are looking for a pair of Full Range High End Speakers Give these Speakers a try. You have 20 days to Audition them and if you are not satisfy you can return them to get you money back. I honestly doubt that you will return these Remarkable speakers because it will very hard to find this kind of performance and built quality at this price.
I will appreciate sharing your commnents or experiences with these speakers or any other Tyler Acoustic Speakers.
Hope this review is helpfull to others.

My Best Regards to All.

Queens, New York.

Equipment Used For This Review,

Musical Fidelity TriVista SACD/CD Player
Parasound Halo C1 Processor
Parasound Halo JC1 High Current Monoblock Amplifiers(2)
Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II 1m. Interconnects
Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II 2m Interconnects
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun 10ft. Speaker Cables

Speakers Auditioned for this Review

Von Schwikert VR7
Dali Euphonia MS5
B&W 800D
Legacy Audio Whispers
Definitive Technology BP7000SC
Revel Ultima Salons
Thiel CS7.2

Showing 5 responses by newbee

Glad you like your new Tylers. I also have them and have grown quite fond of them as well. Love'm with tubes!

FWIW, for those who may be considering the Tylers, I would point out that my break in experience with them was somewhat different that yours. Out of the box (less than 100 hours) I found the upper-mid range/highs very uneven and ragged. In fact I thought the speakers were going back to Tyler! I noticed after four or five days of continual running that the mid's and highs really smoothed out and now I consider this part of their sonic spectrum outstanding! I think another A'gonner articulated a similar experience in a Tyler post as well so new purchasers should be aware.

Enjoy your speakers. Unless you are really anal or you move to different quarters they should be your last. :-)
Carlos, I just looked at your photos. Do you have any flexibility regarding speaker placement etc. I suspect you could enhance the sound of your Tylers substantialy if you do. Post here, or send me an email if you are interested at all in my experiences in this regard and my observations regarding your present set up.
Carlos, FWIW, my room is 19.5x13.5x9 (close to your's in size). I have the speakers on the short wall 6'(measured from the front of the speaker) from the wall and each speaker (measured from the tweeter) is 2 feet from the side walls. On the left wall I have a window at the first reflection point on the right wall I have a 7x5' opening into a hall way. Behind the listening position I have another 7x5' opening into another room. My listening position is triangulated with the speakers and is 9'6" back from the plane of the speakers. Beacause of the 1st reflections issue on the left side and the open space on the right side I have found that crossing the axis of my speakers in front of my listening position worked best. I find that the crossing of the speakers axis' as I have done increases focus/center fill and widens the sweet spot. In fact, a person sitting directly in front of a speaker as opposed to the sweet spot still gets a fairly good stereo image. Good for company. Without toeing them in so far for the most part when you sit in front of one speaker most of what you hear is that one speaker. Pulling the speakers out into the room as far as I have greatly increase the sense of image depth, especially on the rear sides. If you have the space and no decorator critics to nag you, give it a try. :-)
Regarding the issue of warmth. FWIW, other speakers when set up in my room have a bit of a dip in the 200 hz range (without regard to cross over issues - one set are Quad 63's, the others are Paragon Jubilee/Jems which cross over at 400hz. The Tylers have a bit of a rise at 200hz - this is what I think gives them a sense of warmth absent in other speakers. I don't know if this is the result of the cross over frequency in the Tylers or if its due to the additional mid-range unit centered about 45' above the floor. I think it is the latter and that its low frequency sound is being reinforced by ceiling reflections. I arrive at that conclusion only because with a pair of 6'+ panels in the same location I have a 15db hump which disappears with a 200hz cross over and a seperate sub. My room has a 9' ceiling. I wonder if I would get the same measure result in a room with a much taller ceiling.

Other than that I think both Carlos and Stltrains have the Tyler LSS experience pegged. They are very revealing speakers with none of the downsides of high rez audiophile speakers (that I've heard lately). But then I enjoy listening to 'music'.............:-)
More than enuf unless you're inviting early tinitus or deafness! :-)

I've recently acquired a set of 30 wt pp mono amps which easy accomplish the task of driving my One Piece Signature Systems. Previously I was using a set of 160 wt mono's to get the bottom end right, but clearly I no longer need the extra watts. I'm also using a second amp for a different front end which is an 80wt pp stereo amp which also has more than enuf balls and watts.

You should have no trouble using the BAT unless you have a large room and listen to music with an average sound level in excess of 90+ db's.