Review of most used streaming apps (HEOS, BluOS, Naim, LDS, Linn)

Hi all,

For folks planning to invest in a certain streaming platform, the decision will depend not only on the hardware but also on the quality of the controlling app. I found there are plenty of harware reviews but a neutral (as far as possible) review of the various apps that control these streamers seems lacking. The reviews or posts I came across tend to be either very shallow or rather opiniated.

For those among you who have experience with multiple apps I would appreciate some neutral feedback on the following factors:

  1. user friendlyness (intuitive operation, modern look & feel?)
  2. functionality (ability to search, playlists, etc. / capability of hi-res)
  3. quality (app stability, regularly updated by vendor?)

Would be great if we could briefly assess these factors for the most used apps:

  • HEOS (Denon, Marantz)
  • BluOS
  • Naim
  • Auralic Lightning DS
  • Linn

Thanks in advance for posting your experience!


Showing 1 response by ssmaudio

I like Yamaha MusicCast and HEOS  because not only does it support lossless, but also DSD and FLAC.