For some reason some of the spec data did not post on my review. The amp is rated at 75 watts per channel. The small front tubes are said to last for 10,000 hours while the output tubes will last for 5000 hours. Circuit is designed in a way to give long, long tube life.
Review: Mcalister Audio PP150S Tube amp
Category: Amplifiers
I like to listen to Jazz & female vocalists and here is a list of the CD's I base this review on.
Dianna Krall- The Girl in the other room
Cassandra Wilson - Belly of the sun
Van Morrison - What's wrong with this picture
Van Morrison with Georgie Fame and friends
Eva Cassidy - Songbird
Terence Blanchard - Let's get lost
Fourplay - Journey
John Previti Quartet - Swinging Lullabyes
Kendra Shank - Afterglow
Steve Bell - The feast of seasons
The Fred Hersh Trio - plays Coltrane,Davis.Ellington ...
Christy Baron - Steppin'
Patrica Barber - Cafe' Blue
Steve Bell - Simple songs
Dick Hyman - plays Duke Ellington
Tuck & Patti - various
Rickie Lee Jones - various
Alison Krauss - Lonely runs both ways
Alison Krauss - Live and other various CD's
For all the technical information and more about the builder (Pete) please go to the website below.
This amp is hand built one at a time by Pete of Mcalister Audio with all point to point wiring. His design is fresh and new. His web page gives all of the details for you tech geeks. Bottom line is this design is not like most tube amps. The amp uses horozontal sweep TV tubes for output tubes.
It has a very DIY look so for those of you who desire top notch fit and finish on the exteior, this amp may not be for you. On the other hand, for those of you you don't mind that hand built DIY look, your in for a real treat.
Special note here. My amp has the bias pots and bias meter probe inputs located on the top of the amp next to the output tubes. I think the stock model forces you to remove the botton plate while the amp in on its side. That is not a good or safe way to bias in my book. Go for the upgrade. This may be stock now, but I am not sure. I also understand Pete is now making this amp with a more traditional glossy finish. I have seen a picture of the new amp and it looks very good indeed.
I have owned many fine tube and SS amps over the past 7 years. Let me start off this review by saying this amp takes a back seat to none of them in the way it delivers beautiful music. Remember, this amp sells for $995 new direct from Mcalister Audio. Shipping and the upgrades mentioned above will add some $250. With this in mind, I can confidently state this amp is the best value in high end amps on the planet. At least from what I have heard :-) Yes, I like the amp very much.
The amp reminds me of the Wright Sound 2a3 SET monoblocks I owned about a year ago. They have that same inner detail sparkle to the highs. This amp really has an immediate and intimate sound personality. The instruments are presented to you in a clean, raw manner - like live music. No glossing over the detail or "fuzzing" up the works here.
With each CD I played I became more and more aware of each instrument and the emotion of the words sung. This amp somehow releases more of the music's energy. I forgot to mention I also owned the Berning ZH270 amp and this amp has that same speed and PRAT. This is a fast sounding tube amp folks.
The bass is deep and not thick sounding like some tube amps I have heard. Played at loud volumes the bass is not quite as controlled as some of the SS monsters I have owned like the JC 1's and Mac 402. The bass has good definition and rolls along fast with a minimum of overhang. Again, at high volume levels it was bested by good SS amps.
This amp really sounds like a more powerful 2a3 SET amp. Amazing "see through glass" presentation of the highs with smooth and full mids. Botton end is more robust then a 2A3 SET amp to be sure. Stock power cord sounds as good in my system as my other more costly upgraded cords.
The stage size is not overblown, but realistic with more of an imtimate feel and experience. Imaging is first class and a joy to experience.Individual instuments are easily picked out and followed. Here are some single words that come to mind when listing to music with this amp.
- quiet (paired with my Pre6 - no noise out of my speakers - none - dead quiet)
- sparkle
- energy
- emotion
- clean
- clear
- smooth
- quiet - let me say that again
The amp comes with a nice separate power supply. Mine makes a little mechanical buzzing noise that can be heard a couple of feet away from it. I dont hear it from my listening position. My experience is some transformers are more quiet than others and what you experience with a particular unit is based on your home electricity and luck. I have found this with all transformers in gear.
Summary. Is it the very best amp I have owned. Well, no I can't say that. I am learning no amp can be defined as the best. Once an amp breaks into the realm of world class sound the differences become ones of tradeoffs. It is close however. Overall it gives me as much joy as any amp I have owned. It will outperform most tube amps costing many, many times more. I know of no amp that sounds this good for $1000 - $1200. For many it will be a total revelation or first real look into your music library. It can stand toe to toe with the mega $$ amps. While some will do "this or that" better, this $1000 amp will in turn do "this or that" other thing better. If you desire that intimate music setting with wonderful inner detail exposed before your ears, then this amp is world class.
Associated gear
Dali Grand Speakers
Bel canto Pre6 preamp
Muse Thalia CD/DVD player (most recent updates from Muse
Accoutic Zen Hologram II speaker cables
Component Plus Transparancy IC's
Blue Marble Audio power cords
BPT 2 Line conditioner
Powervar ABC1200 line conditioner
2 direct 15 amp lines to listening room
Echo Buster sound treatment throughout the room
Mapleshade heavy brass footers under all gear and speakers
Similar products
Amps I have owned
Thor TPA 30 monoblocks
CJ MV 60
Wright Sound 2A3 monoblocks
Bruce Moore Dual 70
Various hyrid Blue Circle amp
Parasound JC1 monoblocks
Mcintosh MC402
Belles 350A monoblocks
Monarchy SE160 monoblocks
Marsh a400s
Joule VAMP
Wavac SET amp (dont recall the model number)
I like to listen to Jazz & female vocalists and here is a list of the CD's I base this review on.
Dianna Krall- The Girl in the other room
Cassandra Wilson - Belly of the sun
Van Morrison - What's wrong with this picture
Van Morrison with Georgie Fame and friends
Eva Cassidy - Songbird
Terence Blanchard - Let's get lost
Fourplay - Journey
John Previti Quartet - Swinging Lullabyes
Kendra Shank - Afterglow
Steve Bell - The feast of seasons
The Fred Hersh Trio - plays Coltrane,Davis.Ellington ...
Christy Baron - Steppin'
Patrica Barber - Cafe' Blue
Steve Bell - Simple songs
Dick Hyman - plays Duke Ellington
Tuck & Patti - various
Rickie Lee Jones - various
Alison Krauss - Lonely runs both ways
Alison Krauss - Live and other various CD's
For all the technical information and more about the builder (Pete) please go to the website below.
This amp is hand built one at a time by Pete of Mcalister Audio with all point to point wiring. His design is fresh and new. His web page gives all of the details for you tech geeks. Bottom line is this design is not like most tube amps. The amp uses horozontal sweep TV tubes for output tubes.
It has a very DIY look so for those of you who desire top notch fit and finish on the exteior, this amp may not be for you. On the other hand, for those of you you don't mind that hand built DIY look, your in for a real treat.
Special note here. My amp has the bias pots and bias meter probe inputs located on the top of the amp next to the output tubes. I think the stock model forces you to remove the botton plate while the amp in on its side. That is not a good or safe way to bias in my book. Go for the upgrade. This may be stock now, but I am not sure. I also understand Pete is now making this amp with a more traditional glossy finish. I have seen a picture of the new amp and it looks very good indeed.
I have owned many fine tube and SS amps over the past 7 years. Let me start off this review by saying this amp takes a back seat to none of them in the way it delivers beautiful music. Remember, this amp sells for $995 new direct from Mcalister Audio. Shipping and the upgrades mentioned above will add some $250. With this in mind, I can confidently state this amp is the best value in high end amps on the planet. At least from what I have heard :-) Yes, I like the amp very much.
The amp reminds me of the Wright Sound 2a3 SET monoblocks I owned about a year ago. They have that same inner detail sparkle to the highs. This amp really has an immediate and intimate sound personality. The instruments are presented to you in a clean, raw manner - like live music. No glossing over the detail or "fuzzing" up the works here.
With each CD I played I became more and more aware of each instrument and the emotion of the words sung. This amp somehow releases more of the music's energy. I forgot to mention I also owned the Berning ZH270 amp and this amp has that same speed and PRAT. This is a fast sounding tube amp folks.
The bass is deep and not thick sounding like some tube amps I have heard. Played at loud volumes the bass is not quite as controlled as some of the SS monsters I have owned like the JC 1's and Mac 402. The bass has good definition and rolls along fast with a minimum of overhang. Again, at high volume levels it was bested by good SS amps.
This amp really sounds like a more powerful 2a3 SET amp. Amazing "see through glass" presentation of the highs with smooth and full mids. Botton end is more robust then a 2A3 SET amp to be sure. Stock power cord sounds as good in my system as my other more costly upgraded cords.
The stage size is not overblown, but realistic with more of an imtimate feel and experience. Imaging is first class and a joy to experience.Individual instuments are easily picked out and followed. Here are some single words that come to mind when listing to music with this amp.
- quiet (paired with my Pre6 - no noise out of my speakers - none - dead quiet)
- sparkle
- energy
- emotion
- clean
- clear
- smooth
- quiet - let me say that again
The amp comes with a nice separate power supply. Mine makes a little mechanical buzzing noise that can be heard a couple of feet away from it. I dont hear it from my listening position. My experience is some transformers are more quiet than others and what you experience with a particular unit is based on your home electricity and luck. I have found this with all transformers in gear.
Summary. Is it the very best amp I have owned. Well, no I can't say that. I am learning no amp can be defined as the best. Once an amp breaks into the realm of world class sound the differences become ones of tradeoffs. It is close however. Overall it gives me as much joy as any amp I have owned. It will outperform most tube amps costing many, many times more. I know of no amp that sounds this good for $1000 - $1200. For many it will be a total revelation or first real look into your music library. It can stand toe to toe with the mega $$ amps. While some will do "this or that" better, this $1000 amp will in turn do "this or that" other thing better. If you desire that intimate music setting with wonderful inner detail exposed before your ears, then this amp is world class.
Associated gear
Dali Grand Speakers
Bel canto Pre6 preamp
Muse Thalia CD/DVD player (most recent updates from Muse
Accoutic Zen Hologram II speaker cables
Component Plus Transparancy IC's
Blue Marble Audio power cords
BPT 2 Line conditioner
Powervar ABC1200 line conditioner
2 direct 15 amp lines to listening room
Echo Buster sound treatment throughout the room
Mapleshade heavy brass footers under all gear and speakers
Similar products
Amps I have owned
Thor TPA 30 monoblocks
CJ MV 60
Wright Sound 2A3 monoblocks
Bruce Moore Dual 70
Various hyrid Blue Circle amp
Parasound JC1 monoblocks
Mcintosh MC402
Belles 350A monoblocks
Monarchy SE160 monoblocks
Marsh a400s
Joule VAMP
Wavac SET amp (dont recall the model number)