Review: Foundation Research LC-2 AC filter

Category: Accessories

My musical tastes include pop, folk, classical, instrumental, and a little bit of country. I can listen to almost any type of music provided it's recorded well.

Perhaps the most important aspects to a system for me include:
o Resolution.
o Dynamics. Giving that live bite.
o The abilitiy to reproduce the entire frequency spectrum (say 17Hz to 25kHz).
o The synergy of the system as a whole will draw the listener into the performance.

What I dislike most in a system include:
o Coloration.
o Smearing or veiling of the highs.
o Compressing the lows.
o Congesting at loud volumes and/or when playing complex music.
o A synergy that does not invite the listener into the performance.
o That cheap sounding yet very expensive 'hi-fi' sound.

The Foundation Research LC-2 and the two LC-1's have been in my system for over a year now.

The Foundation Research LC-2 replaced my Cardas Golden Reference power cable.

Substituting the Golden Reference power cable with the FR LC-2 provided the following sonic enhancements:

o A much lowered noise-floor. i.e. blacker background
o More pronounced imaging.
o Better soundstaging.
o Virtually eliminated previosly noticeable sibilance.
o And adding a FR LC-1 to my source and then another LC-1 to my pre provided even more of the same benefits.

The strengths of the LC-2 include:
o It is about the price of a decent aftermarket power cable, but has potentially far greater impact than some to many aftermarket power cables.
o The LC-2 is about half the size of a breadbox which keeps it from being too cumbersome.

The weaknesses of the LC-2 include:
o There is a box, small as it is.
o The LC-2 is rated for amplifiers at 200 wpc into 8ohm or less. Therefore, I lose just a little impact in the bass regions and in overall dynamics. But it is still well worth the compromise. Foundation Research has recently developed a new LC-3 for amplifiers that draw more current. That may very well be my next purchase.

If money were no object:
I would still own the Foudation Research LC-2 and LC-1's. At least until somebody comes up with a better alternative.

Associated gear
Aerial Acoustics Model-10t Speaker.
McCormack DNA-2 LAE Amplifier.
Sony SCD-1 CD Player.
Primare P30 Surround Pre/pro.
Triad Platinum Subwoofer.
Harmonic Technology Magic Link Interconnects.
Harmonic Technology Pro Silway Mk II Interconnects.
Harmonic Technology Pro 9 plus bi-wired speaker cables.
Foundation Research LC-2 AC filter for amplifier.
Foundation Research LC-1 AC filter for source.
Foundation Research LC-1 AC filter for pre.
Three dedicated circuits/lines from same phase at service panel.
Custom 10 gauge 99.95 % OFC romex.
PS Audio Port Power Port outlets Power Port.
Lifted / Floated the ground Eliminates much noise.
Vibrapod Isolation pods 3 models.

Similar products
None. Although I've tried several aftermarket power cables.

Showing 1 response by hdm

Stehno: A couple of questions. Where and how are you lifting or floating the grounds in your system? And would the LC-1 be sufficient for a 75W channel integrated; is there a guage difference between LC-1 and LC-2? Thanks