Review: FIM, & Manley Neo Classic 250 Gold Cables, Speaker cable

Category: Cables


The match with the Manley amps is surpassing all my expectations! Today my new speaker cables arrived. The FIM (First Impression Music) Gold cables. The match with the Manley amps is much more than I ever expected. What a Great cable! It is not cheap, but it is worth every penny of the cost of admission.
This is a Grand Slam, Dunk, Touch Down, all in one. The FIM is the BEST sounding cable to my ears that I have ever had in my system.

I have previously owned the Nordost Valhalla, HMS Grand Finale, Jenna Labs, Synergistic Resolution Research cables. I have owned Jeff Rowland Model 5 and 7 amps, the Kora Cosmos amps to name just a few.

The FIM has the detail of the Valhalla, the smooth mid-range of the Jenna’s, with all the bottom end performance of the Synergistic. Instruments sound like they are playing live in my sound room. I find myself talking to the voices in the music. After excelling in all those areas the music still sounds like live music. All these qualities are there, with the cable cold out of the box. I plan to put them on my cable cooker next week. The Manley Amps have about 50 hours of burn in time on them, another 50 hours and I should hear even more of the wonderful qualities of these amps. Now, I just have to listen to the music.

Associated gear

Ceramique 1 W/ 1.1 Driver Upgrade
Genesis 900 b Sub Woofer


Manley Neo Classic 250 / 100
Monoblock Amplifiers

Audio Aero
Capitole Mk II 24/192
CD Player, DAC, Pre Amp

B & K
1000 Balanced Tuner Pre Amp


Jenna XLR Balanced Type Signal Cable
1 1/2 m (pre amp to power amp)

FIM, First Impression Music
High Energy Conductivity 8’
(Speaker Cables)

El Rod 2, EPS 3 Power Amp 1 ½ m, (Power Cords)
1 EPS 2 CD/DAC/Preamp 1 ½ m (Power Cord)

Synergistic AC Coupler 1 ½ m ( Tuner )

Cary Cary High Definition Interconnect RCA 2 M (Tuner to Amp)

Similar products
I have previously owned the Nordost Valhalla, HMS Grand Finale, Jenna Labs, Synergistic Resolution Research cables. I have owned Jeff Rowland Model 5 and 7 amps, the Kora Cosmos amps to name just a few.

FIM are Excellent cables, but the only thing about the FIM GOLD PC is the flexibility :>( very Stiff PC, don't need to go to the gym. All you guys should Try The WHALE SUPREME By BMI, AMAZING! Performance, Phenomenal Power Cord, very friendly PC :>). My Whale Supreme is almost fully broke in, Oh man, details, details, details......Enjoy the Music.
I must diddo the transforming capabilities of the FIM Gold PC. Makes things come alive in an absolutely incredible way. I have owned about a dozen higher priced cords. All made a difference but none made me feel that I simply can not sell it. Until the FIM Gold PC.
Oh, such a sad day when I must agree with Mr. Brulee. Thankfully, it happens quite infrequently!;^)
I have had excellent results with both the FIM Gold speaker cables and the FIM Gold PCs. They are both a pain in terms of lack of flexibility, but the results are definitely worth the effort. I've yet to find a better PC for my preferences in my system, and have found only one speaker cable that I like better. Enjoy.
Hi Stealth, you ain't heard nothing compared to what the FIM speaker cable is all about until it has fully broke in. If you think the speaker cable gave you all you have described, give the FIM PC a try. It is one of my favorites. It does need time to form. It is a hassle to use because it is so stiff. It doesn't have that fishy ocean sound. Moby Dick and the meanest shark run and hide in shame and fear from this PC. It has no ocean predators. Snacks on whales and sharks just because it can. If you have a chance to audition the FIM PC, be sure to let it settle. If disturbed you will not realize it's full potential. Congratulations on finding a cable that delivers sound that makes you and your gear happy. BTW, the FIM PC is incredible on tube gear.