Review: Denon APl 3910 CD Player

Category: Digital

Musical tastes : Patricia Barber , Deep Forest , Sting , Banco de Gaia , Seal , Steely Dan and anything from the FIM label . Recordings I use for testing are Chesky s Ultimate Demonstration Disc , Chesky s Women of Song , Patricia Barbers Modern Cool , Dean Peer s Its All Good , Diana Krall Love Scenes and all Burrmester discs . Most important aspect of sound reproduction to me is transparency , timbral accuracy and soundstaging properties. Turn offs are a bass heavy balance. This unit has been with me for 3 months. It replaced a Bat Vk D5 SE and marantz SA 1 . The sound changed by becoming more focused with a much larger soundstage .The players within a given ensemble seperated dramatically and it was much easier to look into the soundfield and place the space between the instruments. A favorite disc for this test is Deep Forest s "Music Detected". Each track is brilliantly recorded and is a fantastic disc for evaluating spacial characteristics of your speakers and how they react within your system . With the Denon , the sound wrapped around both sides of the room and enveloped me in a faux surround sound enviroment that no other player in my system had done. It was deeper as well as wider than any player I have ever auditioned .The Sacd version of Diana Krall "Love Scenes" is breathtaking in its imaging properties and the Denon was spot on . The acoustical envelope was clearer and more holographic with an extended top octave which added immediacy and air to percussive instruments and cymbols.A good example is Johnny Frigos "I Love Paris ". Stregnths were an obviously huge soundstage and quick midbass percussive attack. The arrangement is fast and taunt and the Denon seemed to place acoustical air around the musicians. It comes alive on the Denon. Lower bass was extended deeper and discs like the DVD-A version of Blue Man Groups " Audio " showcase the stregnths of the Denon by delivering a far superior percussive assault than the Bat , Marantz Sa 1 or the Meridian G 98 . Female vocals became natural and engaging. Rebecca Pidgeon s famous " Spanish Harlem " was so lifelike I felt like it was the first time I had heard the track. Instrumental " character " was better defined as cymbals became more easily deleniated from one another within a given song. Dean Peers " Its All Good" has a wealth of cymbal diversity on it and the decay and individual caracter of the various unique cymbals used are beautifully recreated through Alex Peychevs Denon 3910. I am no relation to nor affiliated to Alex or APl Hi Fi . I have also heard no better player regardless of price.

Showing 11 responses by brainwater

Kerry , I was commenting on any player I had owned and thoroughly tested in my systems. . I should have been more clear . My apologies and good point. Here goes : Bat vkd 5 se , Classe cdp 1 , Marantz sa 1 , Cal 2500 , Meridian g 98 . Thanks for helping me clarify a broad sweeping ststement.
Hi Grant. Good question > This was my first formal review and assumed many of the initial questions I had to answer , many regarding my system would in fact be inserted into the copy when it posted, thus the dearth of details. My error. The Denon is in my Nearfield Pipedream 21, Cary cad 211 anniversary monobloc Nordost Valhalla setup listed under my " 2 channel " system . The unit was connected both ways . Using the volume control as well as my Conrad Johnson Preamp. The former connection using the direct connection yeilded a very transparent, open window to the recording. {It must be stressed that the unit absolutely needs 100 hours before ANY determination regarding its sonic merits could be assessed. This cannot be stressed enough and anyone who gets one , listens for less and gets rid of it is seriously lacking in understanding of the break in process and its signifigant effect on sonics .This break in is real playing time and not a 24-7 burn - in which i do not advise. The next 100 hours has the most dramatic effect as the top two octaves smooth out and the air and space around instrumental passages expands and takes on an almost "organic " life to it. The unit evolves more slowly from 200-300 yet the change is noticable with a more relaxed presentation and a more liquid midrange that eases you into falling deep within a recording , forgetting about your system and its deficiencies. Alex claims the unit keeps improving for 1000 hours }. I also used my Conrad Johnson preamp and found that not only did the unit not lose transparency but gained a timbral richness that is the trademark of great Conrad Johnson products and I find addicting. I would never had missed it had it not had it and anyone who saves money bypassing the preamp will not feel shortchanged as long as proper break in is done. I like both sounds actually. They are different any yet both are very involving in unique ways.Its like having two machines . Thanks Grant and lets trade thoughts as the units mature.
Hi Peepboy2. thanks for the flattering comment on the systems. I have done a small review of the 3910 apl unit so for details on breakin slip over there for a legnthy read. The unit is pretty unstable till 100 hours , 100-200 is dramatic with soundstaging increasing and focus improving . 200-300 is magic and 300-500 is subtle yet noticable changes that go from increased decay to ambient retrieval stregnths. Its all its cracked up to be but dont dismiss one of alex s modded Phillips 1000 units. i have one of those too and its closer to the 3910 than some would lead you to think sonically!! Enjoy the breakin!
I just replaced my pc with an Elrod EPS sig 2 and the change was simply stunning. I am in shock. It opened up the soundstage dramatically , tightened focus and improved clarity . Two panes of the window just lifted.
Hi Grant , I have read lots of great things about Michaels cables. Oh yea, i just ordered another 3910 for the threatre with the new upsampling chip . Have you ordered one? If you get a chance to compare the Sig 2 or Statement from David to Michaels pcs give me an e !
Hi John . I tried the Virtual Dynamics Nite 1 , the Nordost Valhalla and the Xindak gold as well as a Elrod eps 3 in addititon of course to my present Elrod pcs. I have written of and stand by Xindak as offering real world performance at budget prices . For many systems , the Xindak cables , speaker , innerconnect and to some degree pcs all out perform much of the competetion at a fraction of their cost . As the components in a chain improve then the arteries must as well and that is why i have all but eliminated Xindak from my systems . They served me well however. The Virtual Dynamics is a good pc. I use it on my xover at the mmoment . It delivers a nice coherency in my system without drawing attention to any band of the frequency response . It is less transparent than the sig series of the Elrods however . I tried the nordost valhalla against the sig series as well as the Statement. The sig 2 and 3 offered greater dynamics , a more involving midrange envelope and trailed the top octave somewhat but still held its own . I thought overall , either sig was am improvement im my Pipedrteam system . The Statement simply outperformed the valhalla in every category for me. I have tried other pcs im my system but at different times so a fair comparison is not possible. I have been told by a very well respect AG member that PCs should not make an improvement on products that are properly designed in the first place. My answer is that from what i can tell , its obvious that they improve MY system and at every junction so I can only assume design flaws routinely exist in audio. I have two revealing systems that i test components out on. The Pipedream system you are asking me about and the Aerial 20 t Bat , meridian system . The Pipedream is the system I perform the majority of my experimentation on as it is the most revealing of the two. Microchanges in the system are at times obvious whereas the Aerial system is a constant source of pleasure but not ruthlessly revealing . Changing ics for example does not radically alter the soundifeld . Its a wonderful theatre however but for critical listenming the Nearfield Pipedream 21 system properly set up with a competent chain behind it is awe inspiring. Thanks for your kind comments John ! Brent
Hey John , I need to try the nite 2 if you say its that good. Thanks. I also have a few Electraglide epihpany pcs coming and will move them around and let you know what i fine. As far as line conditioners , the best i have found is Jim Weils Sound Applications . His Reference line Stage is jaw dropping.
Fplanner , I have the CJ Act 2 and its broken in now . its awe inspiring. The CJ 142 m monos are coming as well.
Thanks Ray , it was a straight forwared think piece from the heart without being too technical . It was written at a single sitting straight through. There are many things I would have said i didnt and many things i simply forgot in the passion of typing. Thanks though... Fplanner , I heard so many things at CES I wanted to bring home and audition but you know how this hobby works . Its all too difficult borrowing high end gear to try before you buy. My answer to your question is that i did not try a vast assortment of preamps in my system to evaluate before making the jump to the act 2 . My enthusiasm was based on my reaction to the CJ ls 17 2 . At that time I was doing some listening to a few preamps , specifically the Classe Omega , Cary spl 98 , Aesthetix Calypso , and a ARC Ref one . I felt the 17 2 was the very near equal to the best of the lot which was the Aesthetix . I was simply sure the Act 2 would be superior and dove for it. I could not be happier . Its really something special and anyone in the market for a final preamp is foolish not to at least try to hear one. It is that good.
Fplanner , you may want to put a foot in the water by doing what I did ... Get a 17ls2 on Audiogon and give it a try. Pay about 3500.00 or so. If it is your dream piece , add 40 % sonic improvement and buy a new Act 2. You will get the signature of the act 2 by listening to the 17ls 2 as they share some of the same features , especially the teflon capacitors which give this piece a truly remarkable sonic palate. If you dont flip , sell it , you can get your money out of it , it holds its value wewll... as it should. This new gear from CJ is different from anything I have tried and is my present end of the sonic road. Its been a long - assed journey but i have found my piece of the rock! I doubt you will not agree.
Amperidian , FWIW , I did an extensive a- b eveluation with the Shunyata Hydra 8 and 3 different Sound Applications products. The 8 was about equal to the CFX and model 12 but the Reference line Stage was far superior in virtually every category of performance. The designer Jim Weil has just released his new Video Reference Line Stage and word is that its as good as the Reference Line stage for sound and is vastly superior to anything commercially available in the video dept. I have one on order and will do a full review a month or so after getting mine installed. On pcs , i agree with John that the Statement Elrods are fantastic and in my system had no peers . They bend a little more than you might think or have heard. They are worth trying to work with... imo.