Category: Speakers

I have recently engaged in a long distance friendship with Jeff from
Cardersound and have listened to his excitement over the phone about his
new speaker line and of his latest speaker the Cardersound Nina. The Ninas
are the smallest speaker in the Cardersound line and Jeff was originally
somewhat reserved in his comments about their sound. That quickly changed
and he suddenly was having a problem putting into words how much he liked
their presentation and how truly thrilled he had become with their overall
sound. Well, after "patiently" waiting for my turn to actually see them
and listen to them myself the day finally came.I have had quite a few
speakers come and go to name a few Harbeth h5,Acoustic Zen Adagios,Sonus
Faber Cremonas,Acapella Fidellio II,Eventus all good speakers but none of
them left me with the feeling of being in the room with the artists like
these do. The sax on Steely Dan's Aja was so real when I closed my eyes it
sounded as if the sax player was standing
in my listening room playing live.I am also very pleased with the way these speakers are able to
reproduce vocals.I enjoy listening to well recorded pieces like Greg Brown's Poet Game ,Dire Straits Brothers in Arms,Aimee Mann and Lori Mckenna to name a few. The Ninas give you a real sense of being there with the artists. I think they reproduce a live stage as well as an I have heard to this point in my system.They could have more bass, but they do have enough to satisfy in most situations.
I could go on and on about the separation of
instruments the spatial effects etc. but what is most important to convey is
the overall listening experience is so enjoyable that at a retail under $1500 they are just an unbelievably good deal.I have a pair of the Madisons from Cardersound
coming and have been told that they are even more amazing. Right now I could be satisfied
with the Ninas and can hardly wait to hear the Madisons.The single drivers are new to me but I can say
that it will be difficult for me to return to a conventional type speaker. I must applaud the efforts of Cardersound, Jeff you have
produced a winner.

Associated gear
Ayon Audio 300B Integrated , J.A.Michell GYRO DEC MKII,Heed Audio Phono Stage, Shelter 501MKII

Similar products
Acoustic Zen Adagios,Harbeth HL5,Sonus Faber Cremona,MMdecapo 3a,Eventus Audio Metis
I think your assesment is probably right on. When paired with good electronics the reviews from the people who have bought the Madisons have been seemingly amazed with their presentation. A speaker not broken in , placed in a bright listening room and paired with below average electronics has no chance to shine that's for sure! I have the Ninas hooked up to an Ayon Audio 300b and a J.A.Michell turntable and the sound is very enveloping. I was skeptical until I got the opportunity to hear them in my own home. They will only get better from here and in closing you are correct about Jeff too he is a great guy with a real passion for the "Hobby".
A couple of months, ago I took a trip to Jeff's house to hear the speakers he builds. He is certainly a good guy, and he is making a speaker that is very good value for the money. I listened to the Madison in his basement for about 1 and a half hours. I decided not to write on the forum about the visit at that time, because the conditions really weren't optimal. Jeff is an honest guy with a good product trying to get his business off the ground, and making enough to keep it all going. It is obvious that he is enthusiastic about his speakers, and is very conncerned with pleasing his customers. The problem when I visited was the setup. We listened to the speakers in a very live basement room with concrete floor, paneled walls and minimal furnishings. In addition, the speakers were not fully broken in, and Jeff says that these drivers can sound a bit harsh before they are broken in fully. The other problem is that the speakers were hooked up to a very mid-line CD player, and we switched between a very small inexpensive digital amp,(but of course, they are very efficient, and don't need much power) and a midline Japanese receiver. I am really not that picky, but it was so obvious that the speakers deserved much more. For instance, when he hooked the CD player from the receiver to the chip amp, there was a big improvement. The presentation of the speakers was, as I would have expected, really quick and coherent.They had a very 'LIVE' feel to them with lots of detail that wasn't pushed down your throat. There seemed to be very good seperation of instruments and good timbre. The high frequencies seemed to be the weak point, as they didn't sound very delicate, or as refined as some other tweeters I have heard. Again, I hesitate in mentioning that, because they were not fully broken in, and because of the set-up problems that I mentioned. Jeff really needs to set up a dedicated listening room that these speakers deserve. If I could hear them set up in a proper system, I might actually consider buying them. By the way, they look really cool in person. I am wondering right now what these speakers might sound like being driven by my DeHavilland 845s. Anyway, if you have been looking at other versions of speakers of this single driver, double-mouth design, you'll know what a goosd value they are. I think they are really worth a listen, and I wish him the best of luck.