Review: Brickwall PW8R15AUD AC filter

Category: Accessories

For better or worse, I live in a condo with ... wait for it ... aluminum wiring. Ugh! A prime example of how a developer in the mid-70's sought to save a couple of bucks on the electrical system. Accordingly, AC power is about as dirty as it gets. Worse, I can't run dedicated lines and am forced to have my rig on the same line as the fridge, etc.

I'd been using a PS Audio High Current Ultimate Outlet with a Juice Bar to good effect. However, I really wanted to isolate the components, especially the amp. I didn't want a power regeneration source because of the size and noise (e.g., fans). I had tried products from Chang, API, Richard Gray and even a Hydra. My general impression of these products was that they placed a veil (more like a wool blanket) over the music, regardless of whether the amp was plugged into them. I was going to buy another Ultimate Outlet, but had a "Jones" for something different.

My search ended with the Brickwall. The Brickwall is about the size of, well, a brick (although a bit taller). It has 8 outlets (2 of which are unswitched) and all of them are isolated to prevent cross-talk. The Brickwall comes in basic black with an attached power cord and an on/off switch. Other than a self-test button and small "ready" light, its layout is spartan.

The Brickwall provides SOTA surge protection and some line filtering, but doesn't regenerate power. At first, I plugged my digital and analog components into the Brickwall and used their separate 2 outlet unit for the amp. I was not pleased with the sound since the amp sounded like it was being strangled. Where'd the bass go? I ultimately returned the 2 outlet unit. I then plugged the amp into the 8 outlet unit (unswitched outlet) and had the same result with all components plugged into it. This did not bode well, or so I thought.

Finally, I plugged the digital/analog components into the Brickwall and the amp into the Ultimate Outlet. The results were nothing short of spectacular in my system. There was a holography to the sound which had heretofore been absent. Placement of instruments was palpable, the soundstage broadened considerably, backgrounds were totally silent and the speakers did, for the most part, "disappear" (trite, I know ... but true).

Interestingly, I had done similar tests with the previously mentioned products, but the results were far from favorable. While the Brickwall's surge protection may limit current somewhat, to my ears, it has no effect on analog or digital components. However, it is inadvisable to plug your amp into one since the current limiting seems to clamp down on the amp's dynamics. When used in conjunction with an Ultimate Outlet for the amp (non-current limiting), the Brickwall is a killer.

For a mere $250, I gained the equivalent of a significant component upgrade which surprised and delighted me to no end. The Brickwall is an excellent piece of equipment which can make a huge difference in a system where dirty power (read: noise) is present and where your rig is forced to share a power line with appliances or other power consuming items.

This is the kind of unit that I would use regardless of price. Its size and versatility (i.e., 8 outlets) makes it easy to place and provides more than enough receptacles for most systems. It has a 10 year warranty and is built extremely well.

There is a 30 day in-home trial, so you have nothing to lose, except shipping. Go to for more info. Head to the section regarding "audiophile" units bearing the "AUD" suffix. The "AUD" units have the advantage of isolated outlets over the non-audiophile units.

I am entirely satisfied with the Brickwall and can highly recommend it.

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Showing 2 responses by larryb

I was using a $150 HT Monster outlet before I receive my Brick Wall unit today. I just finished listening for about half an hour to my system (all Cary HT components) with the Brick Wall plugged in.

I plugged my 200 wpc Cimema 5 amp directly into the wall, and my other components into the Brick Wall unit. As you observed, I noticed a much more dimensional sound, better detail, and yes the instruments and placement did seem more palpable.. BUT..

..the warmth in my system disappeared. The sound has a much cooler character with the resonance of the instruments diminished and somewhat less natural sounding. The high end is more assertive, in fact I'd characterize the sound in general as being less refined, more aggressive, but also more revealing and also more engaging.

I was really shocked that a surge suppressor would make this big an audible difference in the system (for both better and worse). Right now, if I had to choose, I'd go back to the Monster strip for a sweeter presentation.

But I'm hoping that there's actually a burn-in period where the Brick Wall will mellow out its presentation and warm up sonically a bit over time. If that happens, it's a keeper for both sonics and superior protection. We'll see.
That's similar to what I found with my Brick Wall system. I made arrangements to return it, but I tried it on my projector and the image became noticeably brighter. The Porter Port I just put on the outlet made the video contrast and depth also noticeably better, and combined with the better brightness with the Brick Wall turned into some pretty worthwhile tweaks for video - not to mention the peace of mind of having excellent protection for the projector.

So it looks like I'll probably hold on to the Brick Wall afterall.