Revel vs the field

Long story short, I bought Focal Aria 906 bookshelves years ago because I got a great deal.  A few years later I added the Aria 926 towers and CC900 center (again bc of great deals)

Recently I’ve had more time to actually go and spend some time in listening rooms and I heard Revel for the first time  (f208, f226be and f228be)

I’m curious if anyone has made the switch between these two brands and why they did it.  While I loved the f228be, the f208s are a much more realistic price point ($4-5k) It seems like I prefer the neutrality of the Revels and would be open to demo-ing other, similarly neutral speakers 


i know it’s subjective and dependent on equipment, room, etc, but I’d welcome hearing about other’s experiences


Showing 1 response by jbuhl

I have the Focal 926. I have had Sonus Faber Senetto III and a really nice pair of Quad S-5 in my room and A/B them vs the 926 and neither were able to knock the 926 from their perch. Although the Quad S-5 came really close with their beautiful imaging.  LD let me audition the SF cause I bought the Focals from them.  I had to buy the Quads used but ran them in my living room for months before I sold them.  sold them for couple hundred $ less than what I paid but it was worth it to have them in the house.   Few years later I ask the buyer if he would sell them back and he said NO!

I would advise getting whatever you are considering in your room and run them strait up against the 926.

And I also think the 926 flax drivers loosen up after they have been running for some time so let them warm up when you compare.

Instead of rolling tubes, I say roll speakers!