Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt

Hi - I recently heard 2 speakers in the Performa3 line and was very impressed.  Reading about the company' s research efforts and scientific approach to design furthered by respect for Revel's products.  As I'm in the middle of a speaker search I happened to mention to a audio dealer hearing Revel speakers and my favorable experience.  He doesn't carry Revel and wrote to  me that he heard that they are having financial problems and will be dropping Revel.   This doesn't make sense to  me and I couldn't find any news that backs up his statement.  Does  anyone know  anything about this?  Is it just the dealer's "sour grapes"


Showing 4 responses by ctsooner

I'm with Bob on this.  I only will deal with dealers who are honest.  Rutan at Audio Connection and I speak about a ton of gear.  Most of it is stuff he doesn't carry.  As he often says, I like X product, but it's difficult to sell for various reasons.  

Dealers are in business to make money.  You can easily make a great living and still be very honest and have fun.  

As for Revel, I haven't heard them in ages.  A former dealer of theirs actually said the same as posted above (they are going out of business). It wasn't sour grapes as we are very close (since 78) and often talk about companies (audio fun talk like here).  I highly doubt that Samsung would let Revel fold.  They are too good and their name is thought of as making a nice product.

My buddy matt has used them.  They are outstanding on the right speakers.  I personally feel that you need to try them first as most designers don't want you to change what they have used for anchors.  I own Vandersteen Quatro's and was thinking about using some of the GAIA"s or most probably the HRS devices, but Richard V told me to use get granite plinths.  Made a HUGE difference.  That maybe something you could try to see if that works.  Just a thought and another way to go. Congrats on the purchase.
I've heard that.  I went to one of their dealers who said that he thinks they won't be around long.  It's hard to think such a good brand would just be let to fail.  I think Samsung will do something to beef it up.