Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8

Anyone done a comparison?
I would love to do a comparison. I haven't heard the Salon 2 yet though.

This thread doesn't seem like it could go anywhere positive though, considering the animosity many people feel towards Wilson speakers. I doubt you will get any real comparisons, but certainly you will get a lot of knee jerk posts for or against either side...
I've spent some time with both speakers at a dealer's. The Salon 2 is more laid back than the WP8 and a tad warmer sounding. Very dynamic with a lot of low-end punch. It also does an amazing job of disappearing in the room--no mean feat for such a large speaker. The WP8 is more exciting to me and I prefer the more forward sound. But for the money, the Salon 2 is going to be very hard to pass up.
Thanks Eujin,
I listen primarily to classical and am seeking detail,nuance,microdynamics,soundstage and imaging for a 'being there' sensation as I find any decent speaker is dynamic enough for me. I had a chance to listen to a Wadia 581 recently via Aventguarde Trio Classico w 2 subs and individual amps for each driver and was impressed with the intimacy provided and the clarity & depth of full orchestral pieces.
Which of the above do you feel would provide more of that
intimacy & detail? Happy listening in a great 2008.
I listen primarily to classical and am seeking detail,nuance,microdynamics,soundstage and imaging for a 'being there' sensation as I find any decent speaker is dynamic enough for me.

I too am looking at speakers, share your criteria and suggest reading M.Fremer's Stereophile review of the Verity Sarastro. A new Sarastro is supposed to appear at this month's CES - I'm very interested in this speaker. Best of luck.