Ben - Congrats on your new Revels! The Gems are only rated down to 70 Hz so on their own they will have a very bright balance with very limited bass. They're really designed to be used with a subwoofer to fill out their bass range which when properly integrated will present a much fuller and more natural balance. Better stands can definitely help the performance of the speakers but the limitation in their bass response is I believe what you're experiencing.
Revel Gem I Speaker Stands
Hello all,
I recently purchased a pair of Revel Gem 1 speakers but I do not have the factory stands. They are $1500! I barely paid more than that for the speakers! The factory stands are 28" tall. I bought some 28" heavy 4 post Pangea steel stands and the Gems sound bad on them. They sound thin and bright on top. I tried some 24" Pangea steel stands too and they have a bit more body but still bright on top. I tried some 24" Skylan stands that are not metal and they do sound better. Any ideas for me? Could the factory stands make that much difference?
Thanks in advance,
I recently purchased a pair of Revel Gem 1 speakers but I do not have the factory stands. They are $1500! I barely paid more than that for the speakers! The factory stands are 28" tall. I bought some 28" heavy 4 post Pangea steel stands and the Gems sound bad on them. They sound thin and bright on top. I tried some 24" Pangea steel stands too and they have a bit more body but still bright on top. I tried some 24" Skylan stands that are not metal and they do sound better. Any ideas for me? Could the factory stands make that much difference?
Thanks in advance,