Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”

I’ve taken the plunge and am now enjoying the 2nd week of retirement after 44 years of work, including 42 years with the company I just retired from.  

One of the retirement goals I’m really looking forward to is spending much more time enjoying music with my main system!

I’ve pretty much gone digital (but do have a Linn Sondek LP12 to enjoy LPs purchased in the 60’s - 80’s). 

My system consists of a Rose 150B streamer/DAC and a Primaluna CD player for digital playback. I use a Roon Nucleus for Roon/Tidal new music research and listening. Speakers are original Joseph Audio Perspectives. 

I enjoy all types of music, but mostly listen to jazz (preferably smooth but am exploring all of the various forms of jazz). 

I’m currently using a Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium integrated amp which I’ve enjoyed for many years. Here’s where the “fiscal conservative” part comes in; this amp has 8 power tubes. Even with Primaluna’s great low tube stress design concept, I’m not looking forward to replacing power tubes every couple years with my retirement bonus listening time. Also, I’d like to get additional damping factor bass control than my current amp provides. I love the tube midrange and treble range sound, but would like an upright bass to sound more like a wood instrument (hard to describe in words) and hear more natural note attack and decay

I’d like to get ideas/advice from A’gon music enjoyment experts on a replacement integrated that still provides the acoustic sound of tubes, but doesn’t require new tubes every couple years/2,000 hours and is a great match to enjoy jazz on the rest of my system which I plan to keep. I’m open to used or new with a cap of say $8,000. 

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and suggestions. 



Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

Sorry to hear you have tinnitus. This is a reason to choose very carefully. Very trebly solid state units like Luxman are probably going to exacerbate your tinnitus. Happily I do not have tinnitus. But having discussed it with many folks that do, you want a very warm musical sound. Highly detailed components tend to exacerbate the problem. Tubes are a really good choice... and probably not Rogue. I'd look at Conrad Johnson, Audio Research. I'd go listen to an Audio Research I-50... it is very musical with amazing PRaT. 

There are lots of different sounds available on the market. Well regarded companies have a wide variety of sound types. There are flashy "high end sounding", holographic, natural, overly powerful impactful, overly warm. At the center is natural and musical, sounding like the real thing. I understand different people are satisfied by different sounds, although I think there is a propensity as we get older for most (but not all) to gravitate towards more natural and musical. Tinny high resolution systems tend to wear on experienced ears. I try and allow for variation, but some brands fall outside of serious sounding audio and to me solid state Luxman falls outside that circle. It sounds like it looks. Sparkling analytical with a serious under represented midrange and nearly devoid of rhythm and pace... the heart and soul of music. Each time I listen to them... and I am including their very expensive pieces I am very disappointed. I try to give good advice... the kind that will hold up for most people over time as they learn and change. It looks just great... but to me it is the kind of sound that is just too far from natural to get excited about and so I try at least case some doubt, so that if someone is inclined, they listen a bit longer to it, so as to be really sure that is what they want.

Choose wisely. I happily upgraded my system right before and after retiring. Both were upgrades and musical with more tubes. One thing you really don’t want to do is make your system more flashy sounding (I’m thinking Luxman as an example)… make you focus your attention on the system. That is great when you are working because you have only a small amount of time to listen. But after retirement you may have more time, it’s likely you want the music to be pulling you to your system. You probably will want your system more musical. It would be easy to run away from tubes and find you also don’t want to listen to the music.


I have nearly fifty tubes in my system. They require changing every 3,000 hours. That’s over three years. If you have a spare pair your set for six years… that’s a long time. Maybe wait until you retire and start listening and determine your actual fiscal situation. I was extremely conservative the first couple years and then happily realized I could do the biggest upgrade I ever did. I could not be happier. I have to drag myself away from my system after listening for two or three hours each day.