Retired audiophile?

Maybe it comes with age. Fatigue with upgrades. Wisdom and satisfaction with the material world - acceptance of the audio system and a return to enjoyment of music without audio analysis - acceptance of deteriorating hearing and the resultant judgement that "what's the use" in the pursuit better fidelity - more restricted finances of retirement.. a feeling of "done for now" or forever. (Unless something brakes down) After improving and "investing" in my rig for over 30 years, I've come to the realization that I have little interest in the latest/greatest. "Tweaking" has little or no monetarily corresponding reward.
I'll still peruse the web, but the magazine subscriptions have elapsed and I don't miss the self-congratulatory reviews and commentary.
I suspect I'm not alone on this although the Audiogon community by it's very nature, is active in the hobby. Other retired audiophiles out there?

Showing 2 responses by hifiman5

I've been retired just over a year and do not make frivolous system changes (audiophile nervosa?)  My latest purchase, a significant speaker upgrade, made all of the pieces fall into place for me.  I've done the cables the tweaks, footers, mass damping etc. So now it's moving through my LPs CDs and SACDs and just enjoying the joy of music.  Here's hoping my system can stay stable now and most importantly that nothing breaks down.

Yes...if you can locate a good technician within a reasonable distance from you, you should be in good shape.