Retip lyra delos and upgrade

I have a broken Delos and want to retip. I was wondering if it will be good to make an upgrade, since i like very much like originally was. 

Boron Fritz Gyger 2

Boron Fritz Gyger S 



please let me know if you have any experience.

thank you! 


Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @gakerty  : He has several retip options that other retipers do not handle in their catalogue list. Even he can recoil that's a task that almost the other retipers just don't do it.

He is a trusty and friendly gentleman. Recomended.



Dear @jorgestevesilva  : Tes, to retip a cartridge Joseph Long is the best option but Lyra directly . Manufacturer always is the best first option for several reasons but to retip JL and yes I know him and here you can talk with him:860 338 0153.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
