restoring a technics linear tracking turntable

Hi I was hoping someone can help me.I have a technics linear
tracking turntable and the grease has become dry and sticky on
the tracking mechanism. What would you recommend to relube this turntable? I was thinking about a light clear silicon grease but I have no clue where to find it. I appreciate your
help. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by rockvirgo

My Dual 1219 platter kept spinning twice as long after shut-off using Mobil 1 when compared to light machine handy oil. I now use it on my Nakamichi capstan shafts with complete confidence. It's not grease but its man-made molecules are of uniform length. Imagine long ribbons that can slide over each other. As they work they get chopped up. By comparison, conventional oil is a collection of long and short ribbons so they can't work as well or last as long.