restocking fees

More high end manufacturers are selling direct and offering home auditions, and many are charging restocking fees of up to 20%. I absolutely respect the right of any manufacturer to charge whatever he sees fit. It's expensive to have product in the field, and companies want to discourage tire kickers, but I see no reason to risk paying a restocking fee when the market offers me so many other choices. Do restocking fees discourage you from trying a product, or is the risk worth taking.

Showing 1 response by esserry

A Restocking fee of 10 - 20% is reasonable for a retailer if you've bought a Brand New item, assuming that they in turn will resell it as a returned item. They obviously cannot or should not sell it as New again.
In the case of a local High End dealer, they should not charge anything other than shipping expenses if any are incurred.
We still need the Brick and Mortar Guys/Gals in this Hobby/ least IMHO. I know it's nice to find it Cheaper on the 'Net sometimes but I would not like to think of the Scenario without "Dealers".