
This probably should be in a different category, but I find my analog friends very knowledgeable. What's the deal on these brass dish resonators or the ceiling resonators? Do these things really work? To beat all, one is a Stereophile recommended product. Makes me wonder if I should re-evaluate all that I have read in this mag. I have to say I'm very skeptical. I remember back in the '70's, there was a tweek going around that advised one to place concrete blocks on top of their amps, then there was the one that suggested to place coins on top of your speakers-very specific coins in an exact $ amount. To me, on the surface, these resonators remind of suggestions like those. I saw an add for a T.V. show in a mag, and on the stage, there was about 16 of these brass resonators on a four sided column. Wow! Maybe we should all place 12" stainless steel cubes on top of our speakers or amps, with one side painted in black and white stripes 1 inch wide and 1/2" apart-that should do the trick.

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

If you are in to sympathetic vibrating metal, then why not install actual cymbals in your listening room. A six pack of stage quality Sabians cost $1,100. They certainly look more musical than the little bowls.