Resistors in Parallel


I'm working on a vintage tube power amp in which I've been changing resistor types in the signal path, revoicing it with excellent results.  I've tried just about all of the boutique resistors currently available. I've settled in on a combination of carbon composite Rikens,  Audionote non magnetic tantalums, and Shinkoh tants, all in select positions.  I haven't tried the Shinkohs in this amp but use them in other amps I've modded and like the sound!.  Recently, I purchased some Shinkoh tantalum resistors in values that will have to be paralleled to get to the target value needed.

My question is, will paralleling resistors have a degrading effect on the signal? 

I'm thinking about the way using a .01 uf bypass capacitor does when added to a coupling capacitor.  I'm in the camp that hears signal smearing when a bypass cap is used and prefer not to use them.  That said, in the case of Shinkoh resistor availability, my only choice is to parallel if i really want to use them in this amp and I do. Does anyone have experience in trying this and what were your considerations and conclusions?  

Thanks guys!



Showing 1 response by carlsbad

It is very common to use resistors in parallel to increase the wattage.  For example, to get a 20W 5ohm resistor put 2 10 watt 10 ohm resistors in parallel (space them apart for heat dissipation).  

Generally, I don't see people considering this a compromise.  However, it is obvious that you create a loop that could generate a voltage from rogue emf.  

Maybe someone who actually designs high end systems will chime in but I would say that I would prefer to avoid multiple resistors in parallel but I do it when I need to.  I did it in the upgraded crossovers for my speakers replacing sand cast resistors with path.
