Resistor replacement Wilson Sophia (original)...

Has anyone replaced the resistors in an original Sophia?  Wilson on-line video is another model.  Will be replacing the ones for the tweeter and midrange.  How difficult?  Any effect on sound quality.


Showing 2 responses by matias1979

Thank you Erik. Im going to try. 

I have too much bass and I feel that the rest of the frequencies are minimized by it. I feel an improvement when I remove 20% low frequencies with the digital equalizer.

hi, i have sophia 2 with Rogue tube amp Cronus Magnum iii (100w)

i saw in a box with manual, sophia ii pair resistors 27.3 ohms for woofer.

(default comes with 29,3 ohms)

I wonder if with 27ohms can improve something? help the amp with "less load"? Or does it just go more energy to the mid and tweeter ? (I know that these woofers are problematic because down up 3 ohms.)