
Discussions matias1979 has started

JBL L100 Classic to 4 or 8 ohms ?4658
Best preamp under 1500$ freya+ , cary slp03 ?272423
Schiit Freya+ with Mcintosh mc452 ?10393
preamp for mc452 ? (not mc)6521
add differents tubes pair for amp ?8122
Sensitivity wilson sophia 2 vs 3 ?91414
Sensitivity wilson sophia 2 vs 35211
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ?870743
used mc452 or new mc31227773
Canton Reference ? any comment?64076
new mc312 or used mc452 ?19542
mcintosh C8 vs... ?32232
Canton Ref 5k or W Sophia 2 ?6040
Wilson Sophia 3 is easier to drive than Sophia 2 ?13043
amp for 87db sophia 3 ?13141