Resale prices for Oppo Digital Universal Players

May I ask the forum to explain to me the disparity in the asking and bid prices for various preowned and some new Oppo Digital Universal Players for sale on Audiogon and on another well known resale site?  I'm seeing prices all over the scale.  I know they're no longer manufactured but the asking and bid prices don't seem to make any sense.  For example, there's a BDP-93 manufactured in 2011 with an asking price is $250.00, another one built in 2010 at $310.00 and another at $150.00 similar vintage.  There's a BDP-95 Blu-ray Universal Player for sale at $643.00.  There's a UDP-205 for $3,000.00 manufactured in 2017.  There's a BDP-83SE that's 10 years old with an asking price of $433.00. There are three new UDP-205s with asking prices from $3,699.00, $4,999.00 & $5,295.00 !!  The UDP-205s new were $1,299.00 when they became available.  There's a new UDP-203 built in 2016 at $ they were $549.00.  I own a BDP-103 from 2014 purchased brand new at $500.00 and it's still in excellent condition.  What is that worth should I decide to sell it here may I ask?         

Showing 1 response by tweak1

Although I don’t subscribe to his philosophy, in the words of Gordon Gecko *Wall Street) "Greed is good". 2 more well known, and more applicable quotes are; There’s a sucker born every minute, and A fool and his money are soon parted

That as background: I bought 105 new at least 8 years ago, strictly to play SACDs. My red book player was a Pioneer PD 65 that had Musical Concepts mods, including an outboard power supply. I used it as a transport with various DACs. About 2 years ago, while surfing E-baye I came across a pure silver replacement jumper attached to a Rhodium Furutech IEC that connected to the 105 power supply. It was expensive for what it was, but DAM! I then upgraded the crappy power supply to one on eBay (~$160). Both of these transformed my 105 into a serious red book player, which I really only discovered after my PD 65 finally died. I replaced it with a Marantz HD CD 1, a cd player but with all the newest outputs. I never listened to it as a player, instead connecting it to my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 + PS 5 power supply, and was a very happy camper

One day I decided to listen to it for red book using the variable out volume control. Thanks to the 2 power upgrades, I no longer listen to the Marantz, or use the AA
