Resale prices for Oppo Digital Universal Players

May I ask the forum to explain to me the disparity in the asking and bid prices for various preowned and some new Oppo Digital Universal Players for sale on Audiogon and on another well known resale site?  I'm seeing prices all over the scale.  I know they're no longer manufactured but the asking and bid prices don't seem to make any sense.  For example, there's a BDP-93 manufactured in 2011 with an asking price is $250.00, another one built in 2010 at $310.00 and another at $150.00 similar vintage.  There's a BDP-95 Blu-ray Universal Player for sale at $643.00.  There's a UDP-205 for $3,000.00 manufactured in 2017.  There's a BDP-83SE that's 10 years old with an asking price of $433.00. There are three new UDP-205s with asking prices from $3,699.00, $4,999.00 & $5,295.00 !!  The UDP-205s new were $1,299.00 when they became available.  There's a new UDP-203 built in 2016 at $ they were $549.00.  I own a BDP-103 from 2014 purchased brand new at $500.00 and it's still in excellent condition.  What is that worth should I decide to sell it here may I ask?         

Showing 5 responses by riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook

You dont buy 10-15 year old CD players!! In most cases once the Laser goes you now have a $200-500 doorstop. I sold about 12-15 205's for $2800 - $3200 over the last couple of years. Its called the law of supply and demand.  Your 103 isnt worth much cause it cant be used to make SACD Copies like the 105 can. You can get about $800 for a 105.
Part of the reason the 205's price is up there is its ability to be used in a Multi-Channel setup. Go check out what a MC Dac goes for all by itself. The EXASound (Which I am sure sounds MUCH better than the Oppo Dac) will run you about $4500.  I dont believe there are any other MC Dac's currently being produced as a stand alone.

How does your Ruby do with Multi-Channel?? doesn't. I have a SA-10...guess doesnt compete with my Luxman D-08u or Esoteric K-01X. (But I bet its better than your budget Ruby)

 I still have half a dozen Oppo's laying around. WHY?  Because its a Universal Player that can be used as a transport that can be teamed up with a Better Dac. POWER CHORDS also improve the performance drastically on the Oppo's. Its obvious to me you are clueless as to why a Oppo might be beneficial to many in this hobby for its jack of all trades ability. For somebody with SOOOO much experience its amazing how ignorant your comments are.

Yea get your facts straight.  I only have 1 205 left for myself. Rest are 105's which have the ability to burn SACD unlike the 205 which makes it more valuable to some (Bet you didnt know that either).  I havent sold a 205 in well over a year now and experience with Modwright. Oppo's dont retain their value because they sound wonderful spinning redbook CD's which apparently is the only use the Basher has used it for.  Dont move to the Northeast if your skin is so'll never survive.

...And if you want your Mid-Fi Ruby to sound twice as good swap out the crappy Marantz Power chord for something better. Here is an affordable Luxman Power chord that works wonders on the SA-10. You can thank me later. Ebay# two/eight/three/five/seven/one/zero/two/seven/one/nine/three