Requesting opinions about 4 specific amplifiers

Greetings Audiogon community,

I am requesting your input about four specific amplifiers in a particular price range and how they may, or may not, pair well with my Dynaudio Confidence 20 stand mount speakers.

My room is 20' x 16' and does have wall absorption treatment. I do not listen at high levels, typically in the 75 to mid 85 db territory. 

I currently own a Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier, which is probably the best integrated amp I have owned to date. However I am wondering if there is a better amp match for my Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers, and so am considering moving to separates. My budget for the amp alone is in the preowned $4K to $5K range.

Here are amps I am asking for your input about ;

-Simaudio Moon 860A V1 (Dynaudio dealers seem to endorse Simaudio)

-Pass Labs X150.8

-PS Audio BHK Signature 250 stereo (PS Audio has dropped the price on new amps in their closeout sale)

-Parasound JC 5

I realize there are many, many, amp manufacturers, and that of course if I reach a bit higher I could consider Ayre, or Aesthetix, or Coda, all of which interest me, but seem to stay outside of my budget. 

I wish I could side-by-side compare or demo all of these amps, but unfortunately it is not possible. I am looking to your experience to help in any way possible.

Thank you!



Showing 2 responses by yyzsantabarbara

My listening experience with SimAudio has made me think of them as a neutral amp. if the Dynaudio Confidence 20 sounds good with the SimAudio then I would try it with the much cheaper Benchmark AHB2 stereo amp. The AHB2 monos are not likely needed for the Dynaudio Confidence 20.

This is not a very forgiving amp, so whatever is upstream needs to be good along with the speaker cable. You can get this amp for 2-2.5k used and can easily sell it.

I owned a CODA #8 in the past and that amp can be found for under $5k. If the speaker is not too difficult to drive, then I take the AHB2 over the #8. I own the CODA #16 and like that more than the AHB2.

The SimAudo 860 V2 is getting cleared out but I do not see a big drop in price. I take the AHB2 over the 860 V2 for an easy to drive speaker.


I owned the CODA CSib integrated amp and the KRELL K-300i integrated. Both are really good as others have stated. However, separates are better. I tried a lot of preamps (including the CODA 07x) with the KRELL Duo 175XD, CODA #8, CODA #16, and Benchmark AHB2 amps.

I found that the best combo for me was the Holo Audio Serene and Benchmark LA4/HPA4 preamps with any of the 4 amps listed above. An added bonus was that they were cheaper than most of the other choices I was considering. My choice was based on the preamp adding very little to the sound since the amps were so good.

Only caveat, I may not use either preamp with the SimAudio 860 V2. Not sure if that would work unless the speakers were a bit warm.