Replacing Totems One's

I'm thinking of replacing my Totem One's (non-sig.) and would like to hear if there are any other monitors worthy of replacing them? Sonus Fabers, Usher...etc ???? Budget $1200 for used.

One problem, wife factor has made speaker placement an issue, I will only have about a 12" gap from rear wall to back of speaker. Room is 14w x 16L x 13H vaulted.

The Totem's were awesome (imagining monsters) but a bit too forward and they need to place 24" from the rear wall.

Thinking about the Sonus Faber Concerto's (has front firing vent). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Fuji,

With your strong suggestion, I'm going to do some homework and I would like to audition them.

I see that there is a pair for sale in the classified section for 2k however they're glossy blue which the wife would not go for.

To Gmc, I need to go with monitors and not use floor standing speakers but any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Any opinions on the Sonus Faber Concerto's ????? I know there has been some mixed opinions.

I have to say the wife factor (new to me) is the ultimate challenge while trying to find a very good sounding speaker.

Thanks to all in advance.
ACI Sapphire XL is an amazing monitor. You should be able to find used pair at that price. HUGE soundstage, big bass for such a small speaker. All Scanspeak drivers.
i have had many pairs of totem speakers (model 1's, arros, inwall, and now have multiple pairs of mani 2's and none of them have been forward sounding. It might be caused by your amp/preamp, cables, front end, etc...
i have driven the totems with classe and mcintosh equipment, all with very nice results. also, do you have enough power for them, the model 1's and mani 2's take a good amount of power to drive them with a fuller sound. minimum would be 200 watts from a quality amp. That might be what you need to get a fuller sound.
Mr. Macgee,

Here's the problem: Getting the same level of performance from a $1200 set of speakers (even used) that you get out of your Totem Acoustic anniversary monitors will be difficult, if not nearly impossible. Unless fortune shines upon you and you happen across an amazing deal, I don't think you'll find a suitable replacement at such a low price point.

Those Sonus Faber Concerto's you ask about? Not even close. You'd have to step it up to the Cremona Auditors for things to get interesting.

I say, get rid of the wife!! :D

On a more serious note: as rbstehno suggested, there may be an equipment mismatch going on. The One's can not only work well near a wall, but they can also work on a great variety of gear. While I do not consider them to be forward in how they present music, I think what you are hearing in them is the slight boost in the upper midrange / lower treble. If you want to tune this down (or out completely), match The One's with organic/warm/lush sounding electronics.

Otherwise, the only other loudspeaker I know that can provide some great overall sound that's smoother and enjoyable for hours on in is the ACI Sapphire XL or the Lenehan Audio ML1's. The ML1's sport a ridiculous value, but unfortunately, they are nearly impossible to find used and if you were to buy them new, you'd be set back just over 2 grand. Another great option would be the Harbeth Compact 7 ES3 (forget about the smaller models), but I digress, its size, looks, and price, wont fit your criteria.

Meanwhile, check out those ACI Sapphire XL's that were mentioned above. They have an odd shape to em', but the sound is there in spades. They are also very compact, very affordable, and can also work well near walls (especially with you mess with tuning/plugging the ports).

Good luck in the hunt!