Another fan of Rythmik here. In fact, I've got the same setup as mesonto, two G22's with Focal mains (Sopra 1's, in my case). They are FANTASTIC with music and "fast" enough to use with any mains. The home theater crowd doesn't love them because they don't have as much of the tactile sensations that they crave, but that is part of the reason they're so good with music. Rythmik makes other subs geared more toward home theater usage. If you have a big room you may want to consider G25's with dual 15" drivers. The G22's are plenty for my dedicated room though, (15' x 22' x 8') and the way I've got them set up (modest levels, rumble filter on, etc) they are loafing and never break a sweat. Highly recommended.
Replacing JL Audio F112 v1
I need some advice. I have two JL Audio F112v1 that I have had for 16 and 17 years. I’ve had great luck with them and I think they blend and sound terrific with my focal scala utopia Evo speakers. One of them finally died and it sounds pretty expensive to have it repaired. I’ve been thinking of using the existing F112 that still works just for an LFE channel in my Home Theater system and buying new F112v2s for my stereo system. This is a pretty expensive investment so I’ve been considering some other subwoofers.
Has anyone had any experience with the new SVS SB-17 Ultra sealed subwoofers? Much larger driver than my existing JL Audio but the price is good. I just want them to blend and sound dynamic…Not boomy. Of course I would set them up as best as possible for the best sound.